Could be Steven Seagal is running Russia, and Putin is just a mouthpiece, could be aliens, honestly we dont understand them. In the west we would have massive protests by now. Even in some of the communist countries this would be enough to have the security forces(Next in line to go to the war) helping the protestors, etc etc. From where we sit, for most of the 'shareholders' in Russia, this is a bad situation. And yet Russians keep turning up for military duty, peoples' dads, sons, brothers keep 'not coming back' from Ukraine, and yet, from what we see, russians still obey/support Putin....
One third of Americans think Biden is doing a great job. I don't underestimate the power of a state run media, education system, entertainment industry, etc., to completely brainwash a large segment of the population.
One would think they would be more on Ukrainian side due to history. Or did they like the occupation?
My wife is from East Germany, Rostock. She had problems with the political system there, she couldn't study because her principal didn't consider her politically correct. Instead, she became a fitter in a waterworks... She hates the DDR State, and the habit of the "Ossis". Although, strictly speaking, she is one too ;-) Not all in the "West" is gold, but how can you long for the f***ing socialist system?
My wife is from East Germany, Rostock. She had problems with the political system there, she couldn't study because her principal didn't consider her politically correct. Instead, she became a fitter in a waterworks... She hates the DDR State, and the habit of the "Ossis". Although, strictly speaking, she is one too ;-) Not all in the "West" is gold, but how can you long for the f***ing socialist system?
Wasn’t there a view, that the East Germans made the best run at a communist state?

Overall communism has been tried several times. Korea being the most glaring exhibition, of north v south.

Western capitalism, even in the European version, isn’t perfect, but I’ll take it over any other current offer.

That said, AI and workable robots will challenge the system, but they would have challenged commies as well.
The moment here
So the press says they booed Stewart ?
Coincides with Zelenzky image and Ukraine flag.
You'd probably get more booes at a Trump rally. Fortunately in the west you can openly laugh at them.
Trump's done another u-turn and threatens to cut Ukraine aid quickly if reelected: Source

@PEMM & @PegAsus

A lot of the more socially mobile people and most of those who'd suffered under the system pre-1989 have left East Germany. What remains is a concentrated mess of deplorableness, resentment and nostalgia (which is made easier by the passage of time, as @Mike1976 rightly said).

But there's also a deep-seated historic component to this issue.

I can't find the link right now, but a while ago I posted some declassified CIA papers from the 1980's in which Warsaw Pact planners stated East Germany was the only country of the Eastern Bloc which Moscow believed would be fully dependable in the event of a war. Most Russian client peoples (like the Poles) felt Russia was denying them their statehood and independence; but East Germans felt they owed theirs to Moscow.

What's more, Moscow ruled those parts along the lines of "divide and conquer", harnessing existing ressentiments against the other half of Germany (a similar thing explains the current political divide between Czechia and Slovakia, me thinks). We're talking fourty years of propaganda about West Germans being cold-hearted capitalists and the heirs in spirit to Hitler – in contrast to the cooperative bliss that was anti-fascist East Germany. In other words, on a psychological level East Germans received their ability to be proud as a gift from Russia.

They felt they were the superior one of the two Germanies, a delusion that came crashing down all the harder in 1990. Revisionism is gaining traction. More and more East Germans deny that the GDR collapsed, the myth of of a hostile takeover by West Germany is becoming popular.

Needless to say, it doesn't help that Berlin with its policies for cosmopolitan yuppies cares F***-all about the issues of the countryside. At least some of that being pro-Russian is just childish contrarianism: The loathed government in Berlin says Russia is evil, hence Russia must be good.
Trump's done another u-turn and threatens to cut Ukraine aid quickly if reelected: Source

@PEMM & @PegAsus

A lot of the more socially mobile people and most of those who'd suffered under the system pre-1989 have left East Germany. What remains is a concentrated mess of deplorableness, resentment and nostalgia (which is made easier by the passage of time, as @Mike1976 rightly said).

But there's also a deep-seated historic component to this issue.

I can't find the link right now, but a while ago I posted some declassified CIA papers from the 1980's in which Warsaw Pact planners stated East Germany was the only country of the Eastern Bloc which Moscow believed would be fully dependable in the event of a war. Most Russian client peoples (like the Poles) felt Russia was denying them their statehood and independence; but East Germans felt they owed theirs to Moscow.

What's more, Moscow ruled those parts along the lines of "divide and conquer", harnessing existing ressentiments against the other half of Germany (a similar thing explains the current political divide between Czechia and Slovakia, me thinks). We're talking fourty years of propaganda about West Germans being cold-hearted capitalists and the heirs in spirit to Hitler – in contrast to the cooperative bliss that was anti-fascist East Germany. In other words, on a psychological level East Germans received their ability to be proud as a gift from Russia.

They felt they were the superior one of the two Germanies, a delusion that came crashing down all the harder in 1990. Revisionism is gaining traction. More and more East Germans deny that the GDR collapsed, the myth of of a hostile takeover by West Germany is becoming popular.

Needless to say, it doesn't help that Berlin with its policies for cosmopolitan yuppies cares F***-all about the issues of the countryside. At least some of that being pro-Russian is just childish contrarianism: The loathed government in Berlin says Russia is evil, hence Russia must be good.
You have made valid points, but it's really shocking this attitude is so popular despite almost 34 years having passed since the day Germany was united. Theoretically, just people aged 40+ should remember the benefits of living in East Germany.
Due to having been born 1 km from the German border, I know the Ossis very well. The exchange rate of 1:1 between the DEM and the East German mark made a lot of Ossis very rich. Many of them dumped their Trabbis and bought brand-new BMWs or Mercedeses instantly.
Many of them told me: "DDR war gut."
Also, the number of monuments honouring the Red Army is astonishing in East Germany compared to Poland.
In numbers the oldies would be attending the Rod Stewart concert. But its like that with religion, wifes parents are pastors. So no way we say anything to wind them up regarding religious things.
You have made valid points, but it's really shocking this attitude is so popular despite almost 34 years having passed since the day Germany was united.
Truth be told, the reunification process was handled rather poorly. 1989's peaceful revolution was seen in West Germany as proof that all of East Germany longed for reunification and democracy; but even as many as 500.000 protesters do not constitute a majority in a country of 17 million. Later, Berlin believed that all that was needed to convert East Germans to democracy was another Marshall Plan. The social policies of the 1990's and early 2000's were characterised by indifference, interrupted by short spurts of paternalism and financial investments.

But like I said, there's a strong current-day political momentum as well. Germans have always sought refuge in regionalism when disgruntled with their central government. In that sense, the Saxons are no different from, say, the Bavarians (it's just that their regional identity is inextricably linked with the GDR). I'm not sure if impulses such as these exist in Poland, except maybe in Silesia; your people has always been more homogenous than mine. The best foreign analogy I can think of is the Deep South over in America.
Dont be like Adil: - Long vid, but interesting:

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The first country to take inspiration from the A7V? 🤣
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It's easy to say, "Screw them, they're ISIS scum". I mean, just look at what ISIS did at Crocus City Hall. However. It's still sick for a supposedly civilised country to deal with a hostage crisis by dispatching six handcuffed criminals with execution-style gunshots to the back of the head. Much like the brazen use of torture after the attack (and its being celebrated afterwards in the media), this is yet another reminder that Boris Shurmatsky was right. Russia has a death cult. Theirs is a culture that glorifies violence.
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