Police Nebraska State Patrol


Mi Major General
MI.Net Member
Jul 10, 2016
After two tours of Viet Nam, I attended college, majoring in English. There being little work in that field, I entered law enforcement. I worked as a motorcycle officer for a time but eventually worked as a State Trooper in Nebraska.

I don't have any "war stories" to relate. A disproportionate amount of my time was spent officiating at messy wrecks.

Shown here, I'm conducting a "safety check". Other duties included the SWAT team. I never really understood why we practiced rappelling - there aren't a lot of tall buildings in rural Nebr. But rappel I did. One can't wimp out in front of the others even if terrified of heights like I am. In addition to water towers and such, we rappelled from helicopters. I hated that but carried it off.

I did this for 10 years before settling on railroading as my lifetime career. SW

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Hi @NebrHogger what units did you serve in Vietnam with?
I know that some of our distinguisged VN vets find the subject quite sensitive (understandably) so if you would rather not discuss it I will understand.

Some great photos there what kind of vehicle is that you are leaning on? (the white one)
Please take no offense, but that was then & this is now...

While in college I quickly discovered it's not a good topic for discussion. At a party, once upon a time, I related a few experiences to non-veterans. I was assured I was a mass murderer in waiting and would go off the deep end some day to kill innocent people.

Also in college, I became attracted to a hippy kind of girl. Like a fool, I related at a party how close I had once been to a tiger near the DMZ. "You were hallucinating! There are no tigers there!" "Please forgive me, attractive hippy girl; I'm quite mad, you see. Please accept this tumbler of chilled Wild Giraffe Banana wine by way of an apology!"

And with the passage of time, there's the concept 'the older I get, the worse I had it'. I don't wish to be that way - there are too many of those people.

Perhaps another day. SW
Please take no offense, but that was then & this is now...

While in college I quickly discovered it's not a good topic for discussion. At a party, once upon a time, I related a few experiences to non-veterans. I was assured I was a mass murderer in waiting and would go off the deep end some day to kill innocent people.

Also in college, I became attracted to a hippy kind of girl. Like a fool, I related at a party how close I had once been to a tiger near the DMZ. "You were hallucinating! There are no tigers there!" "Please forgive me, attractive hippy girl; I'm quite mad, you see. Please accept this tumbler of chilled Wild Giraffe Banana wine by way of an apology!"

And with the passage of time, there's the concept 'the older I get, the worse I had it'. I don't wish to be that way - there are too many of those people.

Perhaps another day. SW

No offence taken, thanks for being honest about it.

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