Question? Looking for Deutsch


Mi Recruit
MI.Net Member
Jul 30, 2024
Looking for any info on the operation or folks who might have known him.
Bernard Francis Deutsch
Delta Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Infantry, 11th Infantry Brigade. KIA near Duc Pho, July19, 1969. MOS gunner.
Friend of his son, who was born 2 weeks after his funeral. From Iowa.
Welcome @paisa86 now that you’ve thrown the bottle in the sea, I hope you’ll find someone reply to this inquiry.
Looking for any info on the operation or folks who might have known him.
Bernard Francis Deutsch
Delta Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Infantry, 11th Infantry Brigade. KIA near Duc Pho, July19, 1969. MOS gunner.
Friend of his son, who was born 2 weeks after his funeral. From Iowa.
Hello ..

I'll ask on the vietnam war remembered page on fb ...

See what turns up if anything I'll relay on here !
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Well I have spent about an hour and a half looking for something that hindges on the company level and found nothing. I am never surprised to see just how butchered and screwed up the information is for units that served in Vietnam. It was a constant shell game with units and movements and to this day it remains the same.

I found a couple possible sites that might offer more information but you should not waste any time before contacting any due to the age of all of us still living. One other point I should make, this Delta company had a sister company Charlie. It appears that this C company were the ones involved in the Mai Lai massacre. As far as I can remember one Lt a Lt Calley was charged with murder and other charges, dishonorably discharged and I might be wrong but I think it was President Nixon that pardoned him. There was a lot of men of this Unit being killed and ambushed with the help of this village so take what you might read with a grain of salt. Since it is not Delta Company it means little unless someone suggest otherwise.

One url is for a flickr acct and photostream. This guy has a lot of photos of that area and the unit search took me there, now I have no idea if he is still alive or not but you can contact and leave a message on Flickr just use the 3 dots ... next to the follow and you get a contact header. He also has another account for a yacht club so be sure and use that contact, he might answer one or the other quicker.
Rick Warren

Frankly I would place my best bet on this Ist Inf url, it might be the exact answer for information on the unit itself. Surely they have some historical information for the men who served and died for this country. Don't take NO for an answer and be patient until you find a person willing to invest some time and knowledge.

I believe the 11th Infantry Brigade has present duty as the Main service unit of West Point today.

Good luck I hope you find something for the friend to cherish


  • 3rd-1st-Infantry_08-2024.pdf
    1 MB · Views: 8
  • Bernard Francis Deutsch two names same date and year possible they both died together.webp
    Bernard Francis Deutsch two names same date and year possible they both died together.webp
    17.6 KB · Views: 3
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Thank you, it is an honor and privilege to spend a few moments for the children of my era. The history is very ragged for the Vietnam Units. Most people don't know that lbj had national records and military photos destroyed that would have gone to the historical archives. He was a true tyrant from the git go. One of the reasons I hate liberals so much and especially those that start wars and try to distance themselves later in life.

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