On this day Historic Events

John A Silkstone

Mi General
MI.Net Member
Jul 11, 2004

1043 - Lady Godiva rode naked through the market square in Coventry, England.
1790 - President George Washington signed the first U.S. copyright law, giving 14 years' protection to books written by U.S. citizens.
1868 - The first Memorial Day parade took place in Ironton, Ohio.
1884 - Dr. John Harvey Kellogg applied for a patent for flaked cereal.
1889 - More than 2,000 people perished when a neglected dam broke in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The town was almost completely destroyed.
1902 - Great Britain and the Boer states signed the Treaty of Vereeniging, officially ending the 3 and half year Boer War.

1st June

1813 - The Navy gained its motto as the mortally wounded commander of the frigate Chesapeake, Capt. James Lawrence, said, "Don't give up the ship."

1943 - A civilian flight from Lisbon to London was shot down by the Germans during World War II, killing all aboard, including actor Leslie Howard.

1990 - President George H.W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed an agreement to end production of chemical weapons and begin destruction of the reserves.

2001 - The king, queen, and seven other members of Nepal's royal family were slain by Crown Prince Dipendra, who then shot himself, dying three days later.
Also on the 31st of May...

1961 - The Republic of South Africa is formed and declares independance from the British Commonwealth

...and probably just as a momentous occasion in British history, in 1998 Geri Halliwell confirms she's leaving the The Spice Girls!;)
John A Silkstone said:
I don’t know how we survived the break up of the Spice Girls


Me niether!
Heres our very own version

F.Me. Scary spice is. sporty looks kinda strange. LOL
I find it very strange that as I’ve grown older the Spice Girls have got better looking, in a rugged sort of way.

June 2nd

1865 - Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith, commander of Confederate forces west of the Mississippi, signed the surrender terms offered by Union negotiators, marking the end of the Civil War.

1896 - Great Britain granted Guglielmo Marconi the first wireless radio patent.

1924 - Congress granted citizenship to all Native Americans born in the United States.
(It amazes me that the Native American Indians have always had to fight for whatever they want, when it was their country in the first place. Silky)

1953 - Queen Elizabeth II of Britain was crowned in Westminster Abbey, 16 months after the death of her father, King George VI.

3 June

1800 - John Adams, the 2nd president of the United States of America, became the first president to reside in Washington, D.C., when he took up residence at Union Tavern in Georgetown.

1880 - Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first wireless telephone message on his newly-invented "photophone."

1937 - The Duke of Windsor, King Edward VIII, who had abdicated the British throne, married Wallis Warfield Simpson in Monts, France.

1965 - Astronaut Edward White became the first American to "walk" in space, during the flight of Gemini 4.

1968 - Pop artist Andy Warhol was shot and critically wounded in his New York film studio by Valerie Solanas, an actress and militant feminist.

1989 - The Chinese government authorized its soldiers and tanks to reclaim Beijing's Tiananmen Square after 7 weeks of protests for democratic reforms, killing 2000 protesters.

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4rd June

1792 - Captain George Vancouver claimed Puget Sound for Britain.

1812 - The Louisiana Territory was renamed the Missouri Territory.

1896 - Henry Ford made a successful test run of his horseless carriage, called a quadricycle, in Detroit.

1919 - The 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, guaranteeing women the right to vote, was passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification.

1940 - The evacuation of Allied forces from Dunkirk on the Belgian coast ended as German forces captured the port.

1942 - The Battle of Midway began in World War II.

1944 - The U.S. Fifth Army began liberating Rome during World War II.
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5th June

1783 - Joseph Montgolfier and Jacques Montgolfier publicly demonstrated their hot-air balloon in a 10-minute flight in France.

1794 - Congress passed the Neutrality Act, which prohibited Americans from enlisting in the service of a foreign power.

1917 - About 10 million American men began registering for the draft in World War I.

1963 - British Secretary of War John Profumo resigned his post following revelations that he had lied to the House of Commons about his sexual affair with Christine Keeler, an alleged prostitute.

1967 - The Six Day War began in Israel. Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, the Golan Heights of Syria, and the West Bank and Arab sector of East Jerusalem, both previously under Jordanian rule.

1975 - Egypt reopened the Suez Canal to international shipping, eight years after it was closed because of the 1967 war with Israel.

1981 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that five gay men in Los Angeles were suffering from a rare pneumonia found in patients with weakened immune systems. They were the first recognized cases of what came to be known as AIDS.
On this day 6th June

1508 - Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, is defeated in Friulia by Venetian forces;he is forced to sign a three-year truce and cede several territories to Venice

1513 - Italian Wars: Battle of Novara. Swiss troops defeat the French under Louis de la Tremoille, forcing the French to abandon Milan. Duke Massimiliano Sforza is restored.

1523 - Gustav Vasa is elected King of Sweden, marking the end of the Kalmar Union.

1813 - War of 1812: Battle of Stoney Creek - A British force of 700 under John Vincent defeat an American force three times its size under William Winder and John Chandler.

1862 - American Civil War: Battle of Memphis - Union forces capture Memphis, Tennessee, from the Confederates.

1918 - Battle of Belleau Wood begins .

1944 - World War II: Battle of Normandy begins. Operation Overlord, code named D-Day, commences with the landing of 155,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy in France. The allied soldiers quickly break through the Atlantic Wall and push inland in the largest amphibious military operation in history.

1968 - Robert F. Kennedy dies.

1969 - The first Internet connection was created when network control protocol packets were sent from the data port of one IMP to another

1971 - Soyuz program: Soyuz 11 launches.

1971 - A midair collision between a Hughes Airwest Douglas DC-9 jetliner and a U.S. Marine Corps McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom jet fighter near Duarte, California claims 50 lives.

1982 - 1982 Lebanon War begins: Forces under Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon invade southern Lebanon in their "Operation Peace for the Galilee," eventually reaching as far north as the capital Beirut.

1984 - The Indian Army attacks the Golden Temple in Amritsar in an effort to flush out terrorists, following an order from Indira Gandhi. Official casualities are 576 combatants killed and 335 wounded; independent observers estimate that thousands of unarmed Sikh civilians are also killed in the crossfire.

1985 - The grave of "Wolfgang Gerhard" is exhumed in Embu, Brazil; the remains found are later proven to be those of Josef Mengele, Auschwitz's "Angel of Death". Mengele is thought to have drowned while swimming in February 1979.
June 6th

1636 - Puritan American colonist Roger Williams, was banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony, founded Providence, Rhode Island, a colony with complete religious freedom.
1683 - The Ashmolean, the world's first university museum, opened in Oxford, England.
1844 - The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) was founded, in London.
1918 - The first large-scale battle fought by American soldiers in World War I began, in Belleau Wood, northwest of Paris.
1944 - The "D-Day" invasion of Europe took place during World War II as Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France.
1967 - President Gamal Abdel Nasser closed the Suez Canal, alleging that U.S. and British forces were aiding Israel.
1984 - The Indian army attacked Sikh extremists at the Golden Temple of Amristar.
June 7

1494 - Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, agreeing to divide the New World between them.
1769 - Frontiersman Daniel Boone began his explorations and sighted Kentucky.
1775 - The United Colonies changed their name to the United States.
1776 - Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed to the Continental Congress a resolution calling for a Declaration of Independence.
1893 - Mohandas K. Gandhi, a young Indian lawyer working in South Africa, refused to comply with racial segregation rules on a South African train, his first act of civil disobedience.
1914 - The first vessel passed through the Panama Canal.
1929 - The sovereign state of Vatican City came into existence.
1939 - King George VI and his wife, Queen Elizabeth, arrived at Niagara Falls, New York, from Canada, the first visit to the United States by a reigning British monarch.
1965 - Sony Corporation unveiled the videocassette recorder (VCR).
Sorry Siky, I hope I have note trod on your toes, over 6th June? unworthy; gren;
No problemo my friend, keep posting, for you probable have a different outlook on things than I do.
June 8th

1783 - Iceland's Laki volcano erupted and continued to spew lava for eight more months; more than 9,000 people were killed.

1789 - The Bill of Rights was first proposed, by James Madison.
1869 - Ives W. McGaffey of Chicago, Illinois received a U.S. patent for the suction vacuum cleaner.

1953 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that restaurants in the District of Columbia could not refuse to serve blacks.

1965 - U.S. forces were authorized to go into combat in South Vietnam.

1967 - During the Six-Day War, Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty in international waters off Egypt's Gaza Strip.

1968 - Authorities announced the capture in London of James Earl Ray, the suspected assassin of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

1534 - French navigator Jacques Cartier became the first European explorer to discover the St. Lawrence River in present-day Quebec, Canada.

1790 - The first copyright was issued for a book: "The Philadelphia Spelling Book."

1931 - Robert H. Goddard patented a rocket-fueled aircraft design.

1934 - Donald Duck made his debut, in "The Wise Little Hen."

1959 - The first ballistic missile-carrying submarine, the USS George Washington, was launched.

1986 - The Rogers Commission released its report on the Challenger disaster, criticizing NASA and rocket-builder Morton Thiokol for management problems leading to the explosion that claimed the lives of seven astronauts.
June 10th

1854 - The U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, held its first graduation.

1898 - U.S. Marines landed at Guantnamo Bay and for a month fought a land war in Cuba, ending Spanish colonial rule in the Western Hemisphere.

1940 - Italy declared war on France and Britain; Canada declared war on Italy. (World War II) and Norway surrendered to Nazi Germany.

1943 - The ball-point pen was patented in the U.S.A. by Laszlo Biro.

1946 - Italy replaced its abolished monarchy with a republic.

1967 - The Six-Day War ended as Israel and Syria agreed to observe a United Nations-mediated cease-fire.
June 11th

1509 - England's King Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon, the first of his six wives.

1770 - Captain James Cook, commander of the British ship Endeavour, discovered the Great Barrier Reef off Australia.

1895 - Charles E. Duryea received the first U.S. patent granted to an American inventor for a gasoline-driven automobile.

1927 - Charles Lindbergh received the first Distinguished Flying Cross ever awarded.

1937 - Josef Stalin's great Soviet "Purge" ended.

1942 - The United States and the Soviet Union signed a lend-lease agreement to aid the Soviet war effort in World War II.

1987 - Margaret Thatcher won her third consecutive term as Prime Minister of UK.

1991 - Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines.


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