Article Fire at Krefeld zoo killed 30 apes


Mi Major General
MI.Net Member
May 2, 2019
Well no doubt there are so many human tragedies that it might be a little "first world problem" to care about the death of apes, but this news has saddened me. 30 apes, so close to our own kind killed in a fire started by letting chinese lanterns fly.

The people have turned themselves in...I guess they did not imagine the consequences.

Awful news. I wonder what the fire brigade's procedure is on things like this, I know that I wouldn't want to get particularly close to a panicking or enraged gorilla or chimpanzee.

In regards to Chinese lanterns, they caused a massive fire in the UK a few years ago - 200 firefighters to get it under control and 6 million in damages.

Honestly its time to start throwing the book at some of these people " oh but i didnt realise this mini hot air balloon that ive set alight might come down again and set fire to something" "why didnt the company that sold them warn me?" its time to start punishing lack of common sense.
Between starting fires, killing livestock (When they try to eat the remains of them) and being mistaken for distress flares near the coast they've had crappy press in the UK for years.
Awful news. I wonder what the fire brigade's procedure is on things like this, I know that I wouldn't want to get particularly close to a panicking or enraged gorilla or chimpanzee.

In regards to Chinese lanterns, they caused a massive fire in the UK a few years ago - 200 firefighters to get it under control and 6 million in damages.

Always thought they got banned after the incident at the recycling plant . I remember about every petrol garage in my area selling them , along side " no naked flames or mobile phones " warning signs .

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