Seems Ivan Le Fou, riderboy, token white guy and others warned this would be the future result of unchecked migration and lack of entrance criteria to the West. In which these predictions were dismissed as xeno phobia, 'far right' hysteria and f a c ism back in 2006-2007 on the defunct (Even when the signs then were manifesting.) Scoffers mocked that No Go Zones were conspiracy theories and bigotry, well, how is 'multiculturalism' working for France how does the nation fix this?
How does the nation fix this?
Well, first one should ask: is the nation planing on fixing anything?
imho; I doubt it.
Can the nation fix it?
Eh... no. At least, realistically, I don't see how it could be fixed. It's way too late and too far gone; be it from a cultural and societal point of view.
But yeah, yeah. As you said, there were a few of us who saw the writings on the wall, read into the clouds, tasted the wind, and such. So, I am not
that shocked by what is happening. It was expected. And we were right. Unfortunately.
For those currently having problems coming to term with reality? Well... that's not my problem. You wanted it, here you go. Deal and live with it.
That being said, I believe there is an important nuance to be made in light of the current riots in France.
I saw a lot of pundits, journos and commentators pointing the finger at "the migrants".
"The migrants", what is that? That's a pretty broad term that is somehow used as a big bag in which many different populations are thrown in.
Like many other countries, France has many kind of migrants that arrived at different periods of time for different reasons. The most recent influx being the result of the "Arab Spring"/"Islamist Winter" and the subsequent open-borders movement. Obviously, and every country affected by major movements of illegal migrants, there are a lot of negative effects that far outweigh the benefits. But that has to be expected.
Now, regarding the riots, from what I, personally, have seen, therefore it does not represent a global picture of things, is most of the rioters are either far left activists (not from migratory background) and youths from the suburbs.
These youths tend to be several generations in, and not freshly off the boat. They are, in a certain proportion, the result of failed political and social policies and experiments; along with failures from the family structure, which itself is the result, in part, of failed policies and experiments.
The problem is systemic, truly and genuinely systemic. It is like a rot of the blood. It is, or may/might be, not stemming from racism itself. Though it plays a role and strives on and through it.
But the "migrants" don't appear to be the main persons of interest in these riots. Recent migrants tend to be keeping their distances from these events. At least that is my general impression.