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polish border guard.webp
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Noone forced them to pay for a round trip ticket, extra travel agency costs, and sit down in that airliner in late fall bound for what they all knew was a cold place. Perhaps, they wer'nt expecting the level of filth of the Belarus regime that blocks them against the border. Pretty sure they were herded like animals to the border as soon as the plane doors opened.

Most humane thing to do right now is to show these images everywhere and remind them that this is no way to get to Europe.
Noone forced them to pay for a round trip ticket, extra travel agency costs, and sit down in that airliner in late fall bound for what they all knew was a cold place. Perhaps, they wer'nt expecting the level of filth of the Belarus regime that blocks them against the border. Pretty sure they were herded like animals to the border as soon as the plane doors opened.

Most humane thing to do right now is to show these images everywhere and remind them that this is no way to get to Europe.
Watering their asses with water cannons, if necessary, should work. The temperature is 3 degrees.
I would' nt water theirs to be honest. I think the current situation is enough, and we should'nt fall below the very low level of humanity that Belarus has set for itself.
Using water cannons would be a very gentle response. Do you expect the police to dance with the people who throw rocks and tree branches at them?
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I'm very surprised that Polish security services are so gentle. Retired generals are surprised as well.
To precise my point, If Polish authorities have a breach that can be dealt only with a water cannon, then by all means. But let' s avoid it if possible. It' s like deadly force, if there are ways around it, without putting police officers or military at risk, then all the better.

The people stuck there did a big mistake coming...a huge mistake: they should have asked to come legally and accept the verdict if getting a negative response. That mistake leads some to die at sea in the Med or the Channel, some might freeze to death in Belarus and it' s not the fault of Poles or Europeans. It' s their responsibility and the Lukashenko goons also share some as they knowingly picked them up to put them in what might be described as a concentration camp.

Ideally, we Europeans could put them in a detention center and send them back, maybe by buying tickets on Belavia jets on their way to Baghdad or Beirut....Probably lots of free seats in that direction.

Thing is, once they are in a civilized country, legal procedures make it extremely complicated. I would frankly like us to change these laws. Being humane does'nt mean taking everyone and anyone in.
Thing is, once they are in a civilized country, legal procedures make it extremely complicated. I would frankly like us to change these laws. Being humane does'nt mean taking everyone and anyone in.
And thats the issue, until you get across that line, you are no-body, once you are across it, we have to take care of you, while you lie about where and why you have come. At the same time we seem hell bent on making a permanent solution for you.

I would prefer we offer only temporary solution, for the young, education, but in areas that will help your original country, so construction, policing, social care, farming. No options to study media or dance networking.

For older people, a 5 year visa. After that, we re-assess and if your country is better, you get a free ticket and £200 to help you get started. The only way you should get a permanent status is if you applied as normal, and considered without merit to you being already in my country.

Needing to flee your country doesnt make you a citizen of my peaceful country....
And thats the issue, until you get across that line, you are no-body, once you are across it, we have to take care of you, while you lie about where and why you have come. At the same time we seem hell bent on making a permanent solution for you.

I would prefer we offer only temporary solution, for the young, education, but in areas that will help your original country, so construction, policing, social care, farming. No options to study media or dance networking.

For older people, a 5 year visa. After that, we re-assess and if your country is better, you get a free ticket and £200 to help you get started. The only way you should get a permanent status is if you applied as normal, and considered without merit to you being already in my country.

Needing to flee your country doesnt make you a citizen of my peaceful country....

Isn't it interesting to see that, despite the "Migrant Crisis" that started a few years ago (which was first denied as even being a crisis at all, and treated as a far-right racist conspiracy theory talking point), nothing has been learned?

Absolutely nothing. No lesson whatsoever.

A crisis happens?
Step 1: denies there is one.
Step 2: saying it's a "crisis" is irresponsible.
Step 3: "oh well..."
Step 4: "we are in it together".
Step 5: deflect the blame, make strongly worded speeches, attend conferences and summits, etc...

Meanwhile, the "crisis that once didn't exist because we said so" is still there and thriving and festering like a gangrenous wound.
Isn't it interesting to see that, despite the "Migrant Crisis" that started a few years ago (which was first denied as even being a crisis at all, and treated as a far-right racist conspiracy theory talking point), nothing has been learned?

Absolutely nothing. No lesson whatsoever.

A crisis happens?
Step 1: denies there is one.
Step 2: saying it's a "crisis" is irresponsible.
Step 3: "oh well..."
Step 4: "we are in it together".
Step 5: deflect the blame, make strongly worded speeches, attend conferences and summits, etc...

Meanwhile, the "crisis that once didn't exist because we said so" is still there and thriving and festering like a gangrenous wound.
Is there a migrant crisis? Most of them are young men, of course a few families as well. Perhaps we should screen them into 2 groups, but then of course everyone would pair up and steal a couple of kids.....

Anyway, it seems to be mainly financial, perhaps with a bit of 'I live in a S**t country' and put together by social media, i.e. how nice it is EU/London, you can earn a lot of money and send some back to your family.

So if we treat it like a financial issue some points:

Do we need these people? If they couldnt find work, logically they would not come, I dont believe they are coming to live in a hotel in UK. so logically they find work, which logically we need doing, I mean, who wants to have to drive themselves to McDonalds, right?

So maybe we should setup a visa scheme, with say Ethiopia, and let 25K 12 month visas, only issued again if the first 25K leave the UK - with proof. Thus making it Ethiopia's issue to manage, via the families.

Poking holes inmy own arguement, then the ethiopians would try to come back, but claqim to be from Sudan or eritrea.....

Anyone else got any ideas, preferably that doesnt include shooting people.

I would prefer we offer only temporary solution, for the young, education, but in areas that will help your original country, so construction, policing, social care, farming. No options to study media or dance networking.


That leads however to complicated cases. They get married..they have kids....many do work and often in non gratifying positions...We can never send them back easily without professional tear-jerking NGO's making us feel guilty. Even in some cases the people with who they work with get involved: In France a baker did a hunger strike to protest against his apprentice being sent back. Living in Europe beats the h#ll out of living in the countries they came from, and noone goes back until the situation in their country improves or they made enough money not to care about being unemployed.

We' re too soft for this. And it is as you say: when we don' t see them and we don't care...but once on TV, we suddenly feel guilty for them even when we should not. No Brit or European gives a damn for a poor guy dying in a non-mediatized war or famine.
That leads however to complicated cases. They get married..they have kids....many do work and often in non gratifying positions...We can never send them back easily without professional tear-jerking NGO's making us feel guilty. Even in some cases the people with who they work with get involved: In France a baker did a hunger strike to protest against his apprentice being sent back. Living in Europe beats the h#ll out of living in the countries they came from, and noone goes back until the situation in their country improves or they made enough money not to care about being unemployed.

We' re too soft for this. And it is as you say: when we don' t see them and we don't care...but once on TV, we suddenly feel guilty for them even when we should not. No Brit or European gives a damn for a poor guy dying in a non-mediatized war or famine.
Youre right/ so we have to try another idea, we provide in the next countries, all this help, so we need to deploy schools, food, shelter etc, and pay the host country, per head of temporary migrant, so they have an interest to keep them in their country.

As long as we cover every country.
Youre right/ so we have to try another idea, we provide in the next countries, all this help, so we need to deploy schools, food, shelter etc, and pay the host country, per head of temporary migrant, so they have an interest to keep them in their country.

As long as we cover every country.

Frankly I don't know what we can do. I like the Australian system, but Australia is an island, and they also sub contract retention centers to small countries around her to avoid having the armada of lawyers blocking expulsions. The UK and Ireland have the "island" advantage, but on the continent, things are not easy. Especially when rogue players are right at your borders (Turkey, Belarus...)

I would try to deny any migrant trying to come illegally any possibility for refugee status. That demand must be done locally before departure. At the same time, maybe we should be looking into providing more legal permits making the process of wanting to come legally attractive.

Recently, because Morocco and Algeria refuse to take back their people who came illegally to France, Macron decided to freeze legal immigration. Frankly, we need to do the opposite...but also to accept that people having came illegally will be held at detention centers forever or until they return to their country. we don' t accept a claim for refugee status if you have not done so in the first safe country you crossed coming.

But there are tens of millions of people wanting to come to Europe, if not hundreds. There will be ugliness.
Youre right/ so we have to try another idea, we provide in the next countries, all this help, so we need to deploy schools, food, shelter etc, and pay the host country, per head of temporary migrant, so they have an interest to keep them in their country.

As long as we cover every country.

Didn't work that well so far...
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#BiatchAvia biatchlisted Iraqis, Syrians and Yemenis. #theSanctionsWork

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two dictators?
The Polish government massively benefits from this crisis.
Read an article written by an American journalist, Anne Applebaum, who is a wife of Radek Sikorski, a former Polish Minister of Foreign Affrairs and the current MEP:

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