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These Third Worlders say they got Belarusian visas at the Belarusian embassy in Turkey.
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It appears that the sultan backed down after the Polish government used his own style of diplomacy.
Unofficially, the Polish government wanted to cancel the contract on Bayraktar TB2 drones and suspend all Polish Airlines flights to Turkey, hitting the Turkish tourism.

The sultan promised that Syrians and Iraqis, apart from diplomatic passport holders, won't be shipped to Minsk onboard Turkish Airlines planes.
The Qatari Airlines and Aeroflot are very likely to be shitlisted by the EU, while Turkish Airlines will be monitored with the option of being shitlisted if they keep on assisting with smuggling #illegalImmigrants from #shitholeCountries.
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Another humorous video about German activists stopped by the Polish police:
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#MakeAlemaniaMoreAlemanian notworthy;:cool:,=ger
These Third Worlders say they got Belarusian visas at the Belarusian embassy in Turkey.
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It appears that the sultan backed down after the Polish government used his own style of diplomacy.
Unofficially, the Polish government wanted to cancel the contract on Bayraktar TB2 drones and suspend all Polish Airlines flights to Turkey, hitting the Turkish tourism.

The sultan promised that Syrians and Iraqis, apart from diplomatic passport holders, won't be shipped to Minsk onboard Turkish Airlines planes.
The Qatari Airlines and Aeroflot are very likely to be shitlisted by the EU, while Turkish Airlines will be monitored with the option of being shitlisted if they keep on assisting with smuggling #illegalImmigrants from #shitholeCountries.
In my opinion, the reason why Turkey is taking a step back is not TB2 or future tourists. The biggest reason is, of course, this is my personal opinion that Turkey does not want to ruin the current relationship because of this nonsense. Especially in these times when we need friends more than enemies.
Another humorous video about German activists stopped by the Polish police:
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#MakeAlemaniaMoreAlemanian notworthy;:cool:,=ger
I would have 'escorted' him to the border and then lobbed him over (Y)
In my opinion, the reason why Turkey is taking a step back is not TB2 or future tourists. The biggest reason is, of course, this is my personal opinion that Turkey does not want to ruin the current relationship because of this nonsense. Especially in these times when we need friends more than enemies.
Yeah, your voice is very reasonable. Apart from that, Turkey has very few friends amongst the other NATO members and its neighbours.
Sadly, I can say the same about Poland. The current government has been very effective in getting so many countries upset.
It requires really super duper hyper überdiplomatic skills to make both Iran and Israel upset at the same time. Polish diplomacy has done it, so it's something truly remarkable.

Surprisingly, they managed to come to mutual agreements with Erdogan, Orban and Lukashenko. Yes, they called Lukashenko a warm guy till the point when he rigged the last elections in 2020 and praising him went out of fashion and became a big embarrassment. PiS simply loves this kind of politicians, so they have always been able to find something common with them.

I'm not so thick to believe that Turkey, or even sultan in particular, irrespectively of his sultan-like diplomatic skills against random countries, have anything against Poland or want to make Polish people angry. He has just caught the opportunity for getting rid of refugees in Turkey, as the Turkish people cannot cope with them and feel totally uncomfortable with the insane number of them. He just wanted to increase his approval rate and do something positive for Turkish people, so Poland was not his target.
Unfortunately, when you have a massive pile of S**t in your backyard, your neighbour, who has not caused you any trouble, may not like the idea of you lobbing this S**t over your fence when your neighbour looks at the opposite direction. He may get upset and start throwing this S**t back over the fence.

I would have 'escorted' him to the border and then lobbed him over (Y)
No, you cannot do it to a guy who clearly said that he wanted to take 50 "refugees" to Germany in order to ease the pressure on Poland.
He is probably a good guy, just a bit funny, as taking 50 would not help much and the German government did not ask him to transport these people to Germany. Very likely, they would be deported back to Poland, while the German guy's effort would be wasted and his not-so-green bus would increase Poland's carbon footprint if the driver was allowed to drive for longer.
You don't lob people who want to help you over the fence. It's unacceptable. I'd never do it. I'd just laugh.
The same Polish Middle East analyst twatted a message about the sharecode agreement:
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Supposedly, Russia wants to open a local airport in Pskov for an international traffic. The Russians want to operate flights to/from Turkey, Egypt and Belarus. Using this method, they would be able to re-route the traffic and use different airlines, implementing the traditional maskirovka. Let's say, Turkish Airlines will be able to fly to Pskov, saying it does not carry Syrian and Iraqi nationals to Minsk. Then, a different airline would be taking them from Pskov to Minsk.

Nonetheless, the Polish intelligence is going to monitor it.

See, some Germans are really nice, so there is no need to laugh at them:
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What they really don't understand is, if they take 10,000 or whatever, Alexandr Grigoryevich will ship 100,000 or, possibly, 1 million. He will conclude that his tactics works and the Germans will be overwhelmed soon. I thought Germany has a big problem with an excessive number of pensioners. They still want to fvck their economy up from the second end, though.
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The vast majority of our forum members won’t believe in your trolling.

The vast majority of our forum members are here to post and look at military images and not your political propaganda trolling. So here you are again producing chaff out off your head cover.

Also, Polish defense ministry now admitted that shooting was from Polish side.

#rejectpis #duda=dodo
How did a migrant issue created by Alex suddenly warrant flyovers by nuclear capable aircraft (or any warplanes at all)?

Reeks of desperation.

The whole issue was created by Polish dictator and his pis when he illegally interfered in internal politics of neighboring country trying to take attention away from his breaking EU law after that it was predictable reaction from the Belarusian strongman.
The vast majority of our forum members are here to post and look at military images and not your political propaganda trolling. So here you are again producing chaff out off your head cover.

Also, Polish defense ministry now admitted that shooting was from Polish side.

#rejectpis #duda=dodo
Any articles about it?

Polish thug shoots towards Kurds. Note that usual lies generators reported that shots were fired by Belarusian bg.
Man, you are überridiculous as fvck.

Can you watch your video again and re-read what you posted regarding the Polish MoD's statement?

We are talking about two totally different accidents. First, you post some video portraying some armed men wearing unknown uniforms, that are not used by the Polish Army, then you claim they were Polish soldiers for the sole purpose of "debunking" the NEXTA's claim.

When I point out they don't look like Polish soldiers, you claim that it's a Polish provocation and these armed men try to hide their identity.

To debunk your bullshit, I have a couple of critical points:

- the Polish text, or the one translated into English, says the soldier fired two warning shots, while your video shows one shot. Where is your consistency here? You showed a video with 1 shot and backed it up with a video with 1 shot.
- you claim these armed men tried to hide their identity, while the Polish MoD says a Polish soldier fired 2 warning shots after he was hit with a tree branch by a random Third Worlder. So, what are you talking about again? Is it a covert operation/provocation or is the shooter supposed to look like a Polish soldier, as you try to back it up with the Polish text? Where is your consistency again?
- Polish soldiers wear the same uniforms and helmets. These guys in your video don't. Moreover, the shooter fires an AK with a curved magazine. Nothing like that is used by the Polish Army at the moment. How many Polish soldiers have you seen in these videos who actually do NOT wear helmets? So, for the third time, there is no consistency in your claim. You keep claiming that these armed men are disguised in order not to look like Polish soldiers, while the Polish MoD claims the Polish soldier was attacked. No logic here.

For your information, indeed, a Polish soldier was attacked with a branch by a random Third Worlder and he fired TWO warning shots. He must have been looking like a Polish soldier and the Polish MoD does not pretend that he was disguised. What you are doing is an attempt for merging two totally different accidents into one and backing up your BS claim with a piece of text that is against any logic in terms of the number of the shots fired, the uniform and being a real soldier against being a disguised soldier.
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Man, you are überridiculous as fvck.

Can you watch your video again and re-read what you posted regarding the Polish MoD's statement?

We are talking about two totally different accidents. First, you post some video portraying some armed men wearing unknown uniforms, that are not used by the Polish Army, then you claim they were Polish soldiers for the sole purpose of "debunking" the NEXTA's claim.

When I point out they don't look like Polish soldiers you claim that it's a Polish provocation and these armed men try to hide their identity.

To debunk your bullshit, I have a couple of critical points:

- the Polish text, or the one translated into English, says the soldier fired two warning shots, while your video shows one shot. Where is your consistency here? You showed a video with 1 shot and backed it up with a video with 1 shot.
- you claim these armed men tried to hide their identity, while the Polish MoD says a Polish soldier fired 2 warning shots after he was hit with a tree branch by a random Third Worlder. So, what are you talking about again? Is it a covert operation/provocation or is the shooter supposed to look like a Polish soldier, as you try to back it up with the Polish text? Where is your consistency again?
- Polish soldiers wear the same uniforms and helmets. These guys in your video don't. Moreover, the shooter fires an AK with a curved magazine. Nothing like that is used by the Polish Army at the moment. How many Polish soldiers have you seen in these videos who actually do NOT wear helmets? So, for the third time, there is no consistency in your claim. You keep claiming that these armed men are disguised in order not to look like Polish soldiers, while the Polish MoD claims the Polish soldier was attacked. No logic here.

For your information, indeed, a Polish soldier was attacked with a branch by a random Third Worlder and he fired TWO warning shots. He must have been looking like a Polish soldier and the Polish MoD does not pretend that he was disguised. What you are doing is an attempt for merging two totally different accidents into one and backing up your BS claim with a piece of text that is against any logic in terms of the number of the shots fired, the uniform and being a real soldier against being a disguised soldier.

Post in the video with the branch attack instead a ton of senseless text.
Post in the video with the branch attack instead a ton of senseless text.
There is no video with the branch attack, as Polish soldier rarely wear action cameras and no reporters are allowed to stay in the restricted zone.

It's your text that is senseless.

You are just unable to be consistent and use logical arguments.
- your initial video shows a guy firing one shot, while the text in Polish mentions 2 warning shots.
- the Polish text mentions the attack with the branch, while no attack on the armed man is visible in your video. He is relaxed, stays in a group and is aware of being filmed.
- the Polish text mentions the attack on a Polish soldier, while you claim the soldier is disguised not to look Polish.
- you mention a Polish provocation, while an attack on a soldier is supposed to trigger an appropriate reaction. So, was it a Polish provocation or not?

I wish I could see some consistency in your arguments, as there is not any.
There is no video with the branch attack, as Polish soldier rarely wear action cameras and no reporters are allowed to stay in the restricted zone.

It's your text that is senseless.

You are just unable to be consistent and use logical arguments.
- your initial video shows a guy firing one shot, while the text in Polish mention 2 warning shots.
- the Polish text mentions the attack with the branch, while no attack on the armed man is visible in your video. He is relaxed, stays in a group and is aware of being filmed.
- the Polish text mentions the attack on a Polish soldier, while you claim the soldier is disguised not to look Polish.

I wish I could see some consistency in your arguments, as there is not any.

Where is your video proof with the branch attack and shots?

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