operation cedar falls

  1. Tunnel Rat Vietnam 1967

    Tunnel Rat Vietnam 1967

    SGT Ronald A. Payne (Atlanta, GA), Squad Leader, Co A, 1st BN, 5th Mech Inf, 25th Inf Div, checks a tunnel entrance before entering it to search for Viet Cong and their equipment, during Operation "Cedar Falls" in the HoBo woods, 25 miles North of Saigon. Phot taken 24 January 1967.
  2. Herringbone Formation - Operation Cedar Falls

    Herringbone Formation - Operation Cedar Falls

    Vietnam War, HERRINGBONE FORMATION ASSUMED BY 3d SQUADRON, 11TH ARMORED CAVALRY, DURING OPERATION CEDAR FALLS, This formation gave vehicles best all-round firepower when they were ambushed in a restricted area