Sukhoi Su-33 launching from Admiral Kuznetsov, 2015
The fourteenth test flight of the Il-112V light military transport aircraft took place at the airfield of the Voronezh aircraft building enterprise PJSC VASO (as part of PJSC UAC of the State Corporation Rostec). Today the plane is scheduled to fly to Zhukovsky.
The Northern Fleet Ivan Gren-class LST Ivan Gren has conducted amphibious training, with personnel and equipment from both the 61th Naval Infantry Brigade and the 200th Motorized Infantry Brigade, in the Pechenga Bay.

Yantar has a number of special systems to support surveys and undersea operations. The ship is not in herself covert, but some of her missions are shrouded in secrecy and subject to informed speculation. Photo by Yörük Işık.

Russian Spy Ship Yantar Loitering Near Trans-Atlantic Internet Cables

Russia's secretive special survey ship Yantar raises eyebrows when she appears off Western shores. She has previously been noted conducting operations off Syria, in the Persian Gulf and off Americas. And elsewhere. Now she is off the coast of Ireland, loitering in the vicinity of underwater internet cables.

H I Sutton 19 Aug 2021


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