Article The cold war - Soviet Army

The Military Medical Service of the Armed Forces of the USSR is a special organization within the Armed Forces, intended for their medical support. The following main tasks are entrusted to military doctors: organization and implementation of effective measures to provide medical care to the wounded and sick in order to save their lives and the fastest restoration of combat effectiveness and working capacity. Prevention of the occurrence and spread of diseases among the personnel of the troops. Systematic medical control over all aspects of life, everyday life, study and combat activities of troops in order to preserve and strengthen the health of servicemen. Study of the peculiarities of the occurrence and course of combat defeats, as well as the study and generalization of the experience of medical support of troops in various conditions of their activity in peacetime and wartime.

The doctors' motto is: "Shining on others, I burn myself!"
The unofficial name of the emblem: - "Insidious snake"

Wow, it's already two o'clock in the morning! I stayed too long. I will not attach photos of doctors, I will just leave a link to an interesting Soviet film on the conduct of hostilities in the conditions of the use of bacteriological weapons.

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It was hard work, but I did it. I have listed all types of troops of the Soviet army between 1969 and 1991, introduced you to their insignia, talked about the rules for wearing insignia, attached a lot of the most interesting material. Well, my job is done here. Now you need to sleep off, and only after that think about Chernobyl. Please comment, write questions, if you made a mistake somewhere - correct, supplement, attach a photo as well. In general, there is an idea to propose in the Cold War thread to make this thread the main one for the Soviet army.

This is 35 years of the Chernobyl accident. And every year more and more myths appear around these events. Unfortunately, in our country no one is covering these heroic events. Once a year, people gather at the monument - politicians, journalists, a few veterans. Fiery speeches are heard that this will never be forgotten, that descendants are grateful and other empty words. Flowers are placed at the monument, everyone disperses and everyone again forgets about it for a year. Chernobyl veterans live, communicate in veteran organizations. But the general public does not notice this. On the contrary, more and more lies are proliferating about those events, about that country. And the HBO series is another stone in this pyramid of lies. I do not know what exactly can be written about now. About hundreds of thousands of people who went through Chernobyl. About the Soviet military machine, which was able to fence the wild atom. About the brilliant and flawless evacuation of the population. About the pain of the loss of the native land. About the exploits, heroism, dedication of Soviet - I repeat, Soviet people. I have to say something, but I find it difficult to find the words. This layer of our history is too large.

Damn it, why aren't there so many good disaster relief films on YouTube? The same "Two Colors of Time" in excellent quality is only in VK. About adequate translations into English, at least subtitles, I am silent. Damn it... Find a simple chronicle or what?
Above, I talked about the types of troops that were in the Soviet army and were directly subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union. However, the conscript could get to serve in the troops that were not subordinate to the Ministry of Defense - it could be the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (VV MVD SSSR), as well as the border troops (PV KGB SSSR) and the state security troops (KGB SSSR), which were subordinate to the KGB. Everything in order.

The internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs are military formations that were designed to ensure law and order and internal security in the USSR, protect state facilities, protect human and civil rights and freedoms from criminal and other illegal encroachments, and ensure public safety. The soldiers of the internal troops were involved in the protection of important railway transportations, as well as for the protection of prisons. The Internal Troops (along with the Border Troops, Missile Troops and Anti-Aircraft Troops) were one of the few troops in the Soviet army that were in constant combat readiness. When national conflicts broke out in the USSR in the late 1980s in Nagorno-Karabakh, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, internal troops were sent there to protect public order and prevent genocide. The soldiers of the internal troops showed themselves excellently during the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (I laughed a lot when in the idiotic series soldiers in a crooked form were put at every step, making them just stone - I would not be surprised if they were not even touched by radiation in the plot).

The Internal Troops wore maroon insignia (crimson, burgundy); the Internal Troops included a variety of types of troops - from their own chemical defense brigades to artillery battalions. The fire brigade of the USSR also belonged to the internal troops. Some conscripts could serve as military firefighters in paramilitary fire brigades (take the same legendary HPCh-2, whose firefighters were among the first to take part in extinguishing a fire at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which they also slandered in the series). On the shoulder straps, the servicemen of the Internal Troops, instead of the letters "SA" (Советская армия), wore the letters "BB" (Internal Troops - Внутренние войска). In terms of combat readiness, these were indeed some of the best troops in the USSR.


Soviet internal troops appeared during the Civil War and carried their banners with honor through all the most important events in the life of our country. During the war, the Internal Troops were subordinate to the NKVD, the NKVD divisions fought in the most dangerous areas (for example, they defended the famous elevator in Stalingrad). It is a pity that now the feat of the soldiers of these troops is being denigrated along with the entire NKVD.

ВВ МВД СССР на ликвидации последствий аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС. 86-88 год


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