Leading Aircraftman 36552 William Patrick Wallace, Royal Air Force, killed in a Flying Boat Disaster at Messina, Italy 15th February 1935 aged 26. He was native of Limerick, Ireland and may have been the son of William and Florence of 6 Henry Street, Limerick.
Extract from the Flightglobel/Archive, page 205 dated 21st February 1935
A tragic accident occurred last Friday, February 15, about 9.30 a.m., when the Short Singapore III flying boat K3595 crashed into Mount Beloritainia, near Messina, in Sicily. All the nine occupants were killed instantaneously. The wreckage subsequently caught fire.The persons on board were: Fit. Lt. H. L. Beatty, FO J. A. C. Forbes, Sgt. H. T- Willis, LAC. W. P. Wallace, LAC. R. D. J. Rees, LAC. C. N. Allen, Cpl. S. T. Bailey, AC.1 L. Wogan, and Mr. R. J. Penn, of the R.A.E., Farnborough.
The four flying boats which left Pembroke Dock on January 15, in charge of No. 210 (F.B.) Squadron for delivery to No. 205 (F.B.) Squadron at Singapore, had been detained at the island of Nisida, near Naples, first by engine trouble and then by an outbreak of influenza among the crews. On February 15 this boat, accompanied by K. 3592, started from there for Calafrnna in Malta, which was not in the original itinerary. Clouds covered the mountains round the straits of Messina, and the bad visibility was evidently responsible for the disaster. The bodies have been recovered and, escorted by- British and Italian naval personnel, were placed on board II.M.S.Durban at Messina, carried to Malta, and buried there. H.M. the King has sent a message of deep sympathy to the Secretary of State for Air, and other messages have been received from Signor Mussolini, from the French Air Minister, and from other governments
Buried in Plot L, Grave 196 Capuccini Naval Cemetery, Kalkara, Malta