Extended Description
William Adolphus WELLSTEAD. Able Seaman 179706 and RFR- Po-B797) Royal Navy on HMS Bayano
Born 9 December 1878 at Portsea Hampshire to William and Laura Wellstead. 1891-1911 with his parents and siblings at 24 Holland Road, Portsmouth, occupation (1901) sailor in the royal navy. 1911 occupation, labourer
Enlisted 14 May 1894 on HMS St Vincent as Boy Class 2. Civilian occupation, errand boy
19 December 1896 promoted to Ordinary Seaman whilst on HMS Vernon. 1 April 1903 promoted to Able Seaman whilst on HMS Duke of Wellington. The 28 November 1903 he left the navy and joined the Royal Fleet Reserve (R.F.R.) as Portsmouth B797 He re-enlisted 28 November 1908 for a period of five years. 1st ship for this period was HMS Crescent which he joined 2 August 1914. Last ship was HMS Bayano which he joined 18 December 1914 For the first period of service he served on eleven ships, second period, four, HMS Crescent, Victory I, Excellent and Bayano

At 05.15 on 11 March 1915, the ship was attacked and sunk by the German submarine SM U-27 about 10 nmi (12 mi; 19 km) west of Corsewall Lighthouse, Corsewall Point, Galloway, Scotland en route to Liverpool for coaling. The captain and 194 crew all perished, he was aged

His friend Mrs M Anderson, 74, Samuel Road, Kingston, Portsmouth was informed of his death.

His body was recovered at J/Lara (location not found) County Down 25 August 1915 as recorded on ADM104 Service Registers of Death and Injuries Piece 123 (1915 Jan-1916 Aug) on Ancestry.

At rest in Ballyphilip Catholic Churchyard, Portaferry, Northern Ireland
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Royal Navy, Australian Navy and Merchant Navy
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Focal length
24.0 mm
Exposure time
1/160 second(s)
William Adolphus WELLSTEAD.webp
File size
3.4 MB
Date taken
Mon, 29 June 2015 3:23 PM
2908px x 4867px

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