Extended Description
Walter Henry CALWELL. 2nd Lieutenant 5th attached to 2nd Royal Irish Rifles. Formerly Private 75159, Canadian Infantry. Commissioned 18 December 1916,
Born 23 April 1885 at 8 Pacific Avenue, Belfast to Walter and Rebecca Busby Calwell, nee Perry later of Spafield, Holywood.
1901 residing with his father and siblings at 19 Esplande, Holywood, County Down. His mother was visiting her brother-in-law and family at 38 Cromwell Road, Belfast.
1911 His parents and siblings were residing at 84 High Street, Holywood.

London Gazette dated 8 January 1917. Special Reserve of Officers. Promoted from Officers Cadet Units, to 2nd Lieutenant with the Royal Irish Rifles. 19 June 1918 promoted to Lieutenant.
Died of wounds received in action at Arneke, France 27 August 1918. His mother was granted a gratuity 10 April 1919.

Will Calendars. PRONI.
Full Abstract. Administration with Will Annexed of the estate of the late Walter Henry Calwell, Spafield, Holywood, Co. Down, Lieutenant Royal Irish Rifles, who died 27 August 1918, granted at Belfast 27 January 1919 to Rebecca Busby Calwell, Widow. Effects: £793 7s 1d.
Commemorated on a family headstone in Holywood Cemetery, Holywood, County Down. At rest in Arneke British Cemetery, France.

Notes from his Canadian Army Record.
Joined up at Vancouver 11 November 1914 aged 29 years and 89 days into the Canadian Infantry and posted to the 29th Battalion. Civilian occupation, pretendant at a sewer works.
Embarked from Canada 20 May 1915 for Shorncliffe Canadian Army Camp, Kent on R.M.S. Missambie. Embarked for France 17 September 1915 with the 29th Battalion.
15 July 1916 admitted into 6th Canadian Field Ambulance with a penetration bullet wound to left leg.
transferred the same day to 4th Canadian Field Ambulance. Discharged fit for duty 17th July.
4 February 1916
Posted from France at East Sandling Canadian Transit Camp, Sandling, Kent. Reported on 7 August 1916 and taken on strength of 30th Battalion. On leave from that date pending admission to Cadet Battalion. 5 September 1916 at No7 Officers Cadet Battalion, Ferrmoy, Cork, Ireland. 4 January 1917 transferred to and taken on strength with 1st Canadian Reserve Battaliont, Dibgate Canadian army camp, Shorncliffe, Kent pending a commission. The 8 January 1917 struck of strength of 1st Reserve Battalion on appointment to a Commission in the Imperial Army.

Brother of Theophilus Legate also fell.
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Holywood Cemetery and Old Prior Churchyard County Down Northern Ireland
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Focal length
20.0 mm
Exposure time
1/200 second(s)
Walter Henry CALWELL.webp
File size
2.8 MB
Date taken
Tue, 30 June 2015 2:24 PM
2720px x 4705px

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