
Rowley, Rowland

Commemorated on a family memorial in Burslem Cemetery, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire

Rowland, son of Thomas and Hannah M. Rowley, of 40, Ellgreave Street, Dale Hall, Burslem supposed killed in action at the battle of Loos, 13th October 1915 aged 28.
Private 3442, 1/5th Home Service, North Staffordshire Regiment, Commemorated on the Loos Memorial, France
Information from his Burnt Document
He had his medical on the 23rd September 1914 at Shelton Drill Hall, Shelton, Staffordshire and he gave his occupation as a solicitors clerk.
He gave an address of Ivy House, Withington Leigh, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire
He embarked from Southampton 25th June 1915, and disembarked at Rouen 26th June 1915 and he joined his regiment in the field on the 28th
13th October 1915, reported missing and he was struck off the strenght of the battalion from the4th January 1916. It is presumed to have died on or since 13th October 1915
He was married Helena Hampson and gave an address of 1, Sparrow Terrace, Wolstanton, Stoke on Trent.
Another addres his wife was residing was, 39, Orford Street, Longport, Stoke on Trent
A letter from the army was sent to his wife asking for some details on late husband and she refered the letter back to the army with instructions to make contact with his parents. She also stated that she had remarried and is now call Helena Scull of 7, Ramlagh Gardens, Stamford Brook, W.6, formerly of 1, Sparrow Terrace. Further contact was made with her with reference to pension for her and the children. She replied stating that should be entitled to more as her late husband was a corporal and not a private. The army looked into this matter and no promotion was found, he was killed with the rank of private

He had several brothers Joseph, Ralph, Albert George, Spencer and Ernest (not is birth order)
and information have been found for some of them.

Albert George was Private 22374, 8th North Staffordshire Regiment and he passed away on the 13th February 1954 and his address was 38, Stanfield Road, Burslem

Ralph, was Private 9205 and 9295, 1st King's Liverpool Regiment and he was killed in action, 27th October 1914. he is commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belgium (There is another Ralph also from Burslem. A burnt document was found form him and he had different parents)

A record was found for a Spencer Rowley of 64, Wharf Street, Burslem (it may be one of the same person, record show that there was only one Spencer who was from Burslem who died)
He gave his occupation as a Hatters assistance
Private DM2/224682, Army Service Corps, attached to D Battalion, Tank Corps and died of wounds in 29, Casualty Clearing Station, France. He was husband of Emily Cobden Rowley nee Unwin of 70, Alexandra Road, Longport, near Burslem, another address was found that being 29, Hawthorn Street, Burslem Staffs
He is buried in Grevillers British Cemetery, France
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COMMEMORATION to the fallen in both world wars
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