
Krasny Kavkaz Russian Cruiser

This is a Russian Cruiser of the WW11 period.
Any information about this ship will be greatly appreciated.
His correct name is "Krasny Kavkaz". This means "Red Caucassus"

The Krasny Kavkaz initially belonged to the same Admiral Lazarev class was considerably modified with completely new main battery of experimental 180mm guns in four single turrets. Those guns proved to be highly successful and were later used for the main battery of the Kirov class cruisers.
Before WW II Krasny Kavkaz boasted unusually heavy AA armament compared with contemporary cruisers of the beginning of the war. During the landing in Feodossia she was damaged by German artillery and mortars. On 4 Jan 1942 she was heavily damaged by bombs.
The catapult and the two banks of torpedo tubes (shown on the drawing) were later removed to get space for additional AA guns and more boats. Finally she survived the war and was expended as a target for the guided missiles tests in early the 50s.
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