
Kilo class

Iranian Navy - Kilo class submarine.
Kilo class is the NATO reporting name for a type of military diesel-electric submarines that are made in Russia. The original version of these vessels is known in Russia as Project 877 Paltus. There is also a more advanced version, which is known in the west as Improved Kilo and in Russia as Project 636.

The boats are mainly intended for anti-shipping and anti-submarine operations in relatively shallow waters. Kilo class submarines are capable of operating very quietly. Project 636 is thought to be one of the quietest submarine classes in the world.

The first boat entered service in the Soviet Navy in 1982, and submarines of these types are still in use with the Russian navy. As of early 2000, 14 vessels were believed to be in active service and 7 vessels were thought to be in reserve. An additional 21 vessels have been exported to various countries:

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