
George Love John Love William Love Samuel Abiah Love

Extended Description
This memorial can be seen in Down Cathedral Downpatrick County Down Northern Ireland

George Love. Sergeant 7245, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Born 10 November 1881 Robert James and Rachel Love, nee Quaile of Scotch Street Downpatrick.
Irish Census 1901 with his parents and siblings at 18 Scotch Street Downpatrick. 1911 serving with the 1st Royal Irish Rifles at Alexandrea Barracks, Maymyo Burma.
Died from wounds in action at 44th Casualty Clearing Station, Puchevillers France 30 December 1916 aged 34 years. His father was granted a war gratuity 1 March 1917 revised 2 October 1919. At rest in Puchevillers British Cemetery France.
He is commemorated on his parents memorial in Down Cathedral New Cemetery. At rest in Puchevillers British Cemetery, Somme, France.

John Love. Sergeant 18106, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Born 11 April 1885 Robert James and Rachel Love, nee Quaile of Scotch Street Downpatrick
Irish Census 1901-1911 with his parents and siblings at 18 Scotch Street Downpatrick. 1911 occupation, stone mason.
Killed on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, (1July 1916) aged 30. His father was granted a war gratuity 13 November 1919.
Commemorated on his parent’s memorial in Down Cathedral New Cemetery, also on the Thiepval Memorial Somme, France.

William Love. Sergeant 6672, 1st Royal Irish Rifles
Born 19 November 1886 to Robert James and Rachel Love, of Scotch Street Downpatrick, Co. Down. Irish Census 1901 with his parents and siblings at 18 Scotch Street Downpatrick.
Died 13th May 1919 aged 31 years, occupation, valet. His mother was at his bedside when he passed away.
At rest in in Down Cathedral New Cemetery, Downpatrick County Down Northern Ireland

Notes from his service records
Enlisted on the 20th February 1902 at Belfast. He served in India from the 27th November 1903 to 22nd October 1912. (1911 serving as Rifleman with the 1st Royal Irish Rifles at Alexandrea Barracks, Maymyo Burma.) In France from the 16th August 1914 to 28th October 1914 then he returned to England. The sent back to France on the 31st May 1916 to 23rd December 1916. On the 26th October 1914 he was shot in is upper hip, which hip, was not recorded. He was then invalided to England for treatment. When he returned to France he went sick about September 1916 while at the Somme. He was complaining of a pain in his side and when was also coughing. He was admitted to a hospital in France and then invalided to England. A medical report on an invalid by a doctor in Belfast Military Hospital shows that his disability was Pulmonary Tuberculosis. A sputum swab was taken and is proved positive for Tuberculosis. He was medically discharged from the army on the 23rd July 1917 as being no longer physically fit for war service under Para 392 (XVI) Kings Regulations.

Samuel Abiah Love. Sapper 28462, 26th Field Company, Royal Engineers.
Born 4 February 1893 to Robert James and Rachel Love, nee Quaile of Scotch Street., Downpatrick, Co. Down. Irish Census 1901-1911 with his parents and siblings at 18 Scotch Street Downpatrick. 1911 occupation, carpenter.
Died 8th April 1916 aged 23 years on active service 8th April 1916. His father was granted a war gratuity 23 June 1916 revised 24 September 1919.
He is commemorated on his parent’s memorial in Down Cathedral New Cemetery. At rest in St Patrick's Cemetery, Loos, France.

UK, Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects, 1901-1929 Have his name as Samuel ALEXANDER Lore. incorrect.
CWGC have Samuel ABIAH Love. Correct

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50.0 mm
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Date taken
Wed, 08 July 2015 10:36 AM
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