Ella Kate COOKE. Staff Nurse 2 Res/C1266 QAIMNSR and French Red Cross.
Killed by a tram/train 8 September 1917 aged 35 in Alexandria, Egypt.
At rest in Hadra War Memorial Cemetery, Alexandria, Egypt.
Her service medals issued 30 November 1923.
Newspaper cutting states Ella Kay Cooke
Extract from The British Journal of Nursing dated 3 November 1917 -
We regret to record the death, in Egypt, under tragic circumstances, of Sister E. K. Cooke R.N., Q.A.I.M.N.S.R., who was killed on September. 8th while attempting to cross the tram lines near Fleming. At the time of her death, Sister Cooke was attached to the 17th General Hospital, where she had worked faithfully for two years. As soon as the war broke out, she came from New Zealand to join up in England, and for eight months served in France under the French Flag Nursing Corps.
She is sincerely mourned by all with whom she worked in Egypt. The funeral took place the day following her death, in Hadra Cemetery, and was attended by the Matron-in-Chief, the Commanding Officer and other Medical Officers, the Matron and Sisters, the Chaplain and six patients from Sister Cooke’s ward. The coffin was borne by Officers to the grave side, and the service ended with the “Last Post.” Many beautiful wreaths were placed on the coffin and around the grave.
At rest in Hadra War Memorial Cemetery, Alexandria, Egypt.
Photograph credited to IWM