
Downpatrick War Memorial

Extended Description
In honour of the men of Downpatrick
Who gave their lives for others
In the Great War 1914-1918​

James Black. Corporal 23853, 7/8th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
Son of James and Margaret Black, of Vianstown Road, Downpatrick. Co Down Ireland. Killed in action 16 August 1917 aged 22. Commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.

Bernard Blaney. Rifleman 4633, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Killed in action 7 July 1916. Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France

William Reginald George Breen. Appears not to be a soldier
Born 19 June 1893 at Irish Street, Downpatrick to William Reginald and Margaret McCullough Breen nee Johnston. Died 14 October 1918 aged 25 at Simmer and Jack Hospital Germiston, Gauteng, South Africa. Occupation, electrical engineer.

James Robert Buchanan Lieutenant, 11/13th Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of Thomas and Anne Buchanan, of Drumkeerne, Carrick-on-Shannon. Died at the Red Cross Hospital, Rouen 1 April 1918 aged 31. At rest in St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen, France.

Extract from UK, De Ruvigny's Roll of Honour, 1914-1919
Lieutenant 11/13th (Service) Battalion The Royal Irish Rifles, yst.s. (youngest son) of the late Thomas Buchanan of Drumkeerin, Co Leitrim by his wife Anne daughter of the late Warren Henry of Sligo, born Drumkeerin aforesaid, 1 Feb 1887; educated, Sligo School: was an Accountant of the staff of the Bank of Downpatrick; joined the Royal Irish Rifles as a Cadet in November 1915; gazetted 2nd Lieut in Oct. 1916; served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from the following Dec, and died at the Red Cross Hospital, Rouen. His Commanding Officer wrote: “He was in my company for the past six months and was in every way the best officer I ever had. He was magnificent throughout the whole retirement, always keen to fight and always cheerful and it was not until the last day of activity for us that he was mortally wounded. I don’t know of any officer who was more like both by brother officers and men. He was a fine fellow and a keen sportsman” and the Chaplin: “One hears on all sides expressions of admiration at the Gallantry and resource which he displayed during battle. His cheeriness and coolness was an inspiration to the men under his command. Through the most trying conditions he kept them up by his kindly considerations for their welfare. We shall all miss hem greatly. His happy lovable disposition had endured him to everyone”

James Carr. Private 6182, 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
Son of the late William Carr. Husband of Annie Carr, of John Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Killed in action 26 August 1914 aged 33. Commemorated on the La Ferte Sous-Jouarre Memorial France.

William Ernest Albert Clayton. 2nd Lieutenant 9th Cheshire Regiment
Younger son of the Rev. William John Clayton (Methodist Minister), of Downpatrick, Co. Down. Died 22 April 1916 aged 27.
At rest in Merville Communal Cemetery, France.

James Cleland. Company Sergeant Major 10969. 9th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Husband of Margaret Cleland, of Fountain Street Downpatrick, Co Down. Died of pulmonary tuberculosis 27 October 1916 aged 32. At rest in Down Cathedral New Cemetery, Downpatrick Co Down.

Joseph Clydesdale. Rifleman 17454, 13th Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of Joseph and Annie Clydesdale, of Church Street Downpatrick, Co. Down. He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359
Killed in action on the first day of the Battle of the Somme. 1 July 1916 aged 20.
Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
His brother John also fell in the Great War

John Alexander Wilson Clydesdale. Rifleman 204, 15th Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of Joseph and Annie Clydesdale, of Church Street Downpatrick, Co. Down.. Killed in action 22 November 1977 aged 19. Commemorated on the Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, France.
His brother James also fell in the Great War

Guy Leith Assheton Duff Captain Royal Field Artillery.
Died 23 October 1916 at London Hospital Whitechapel. At rest in St Andrews Easter Cemetery, Fifeshire Scotland.

Wills and Admin, Ancestry.
He resided Rath Keltair, Downpatrick Co Down. Captain Royal Field Artillery. Died 23 October 1916 at London Hospital Whitechapel. His effects went to Walter Garden Duff Royal Navy.

Robert John Elphick. Corporal 9719, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of Robert John and Elizabeth Elphick, of 143, Dunluce Avenue, Belfast.
Died of wounds at 5th General Hospital Nottingham 7 November 1915 aged 22. His stepmother, Bridiget, was granted a war gratuity 12 November 1915. His father was granted a war gratuity 13 August 1919.
At rest in Nottingham General Cemetery, Nottinghamshire
Click on rjelphick in Tags box for another connection.

His father served in the army see some notes from his service record below
Colour Sergeant 986, 5th Royal Irish Rifles Special Reserve.
Joined up as Gunner 8 November 1884 aged 15 and 11 months, occupation, printer. Born at Newport, Monmouthshire Wales.
South Africa 1897-1899 India 1899-1904, back to England 1904-1913
Discharged at Downpatrick 28 February 1913 aged 44 years and 2 months.
Medal awarded. Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Delhi Durbar Silver Medal 1903.Served in
Died 13 May 1941 aged 72 of Cardiac failure due to myocardial degeneration. Ex-Soldier.
William Fagan

Robert Ferguson. Rifleman 782, 13th Royal Irish Rifles
Brother of Miss Hannah Ferguson, of Irish St., Downpatrick, Co. Down. Killed in action on the first day of the Battle of the Somme. 1 July 1916
Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.

Thomas Fitzpatrick. Unable to find the correct record for him listed with the CWGC.
He may have been the following. Irish 1901 and 1911 census. Resided with his father William and 17 Brdge Street, Downpatrick, and then with his father and mother, Elizabeth at 55 Bridge Street, Downpatrick.

William R Gill. There are only two W R Gill listed with the CWGC. Neither have a connection as far as can find with Downpatrick. However there may have been a soldier who was discharged due to a medical condition and died.

First, William Rey Gill. 2nd Lieutenant, 2/1st Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry
Son of William and Elizabeth Gill, of Colchester. Husband of Jessie Gill, of 202, Maldon Road, Colchester. Died 21 August 1917 aged 37. At rest in New Irish Farm Cemetery, Belgium.

Second, William Randolph Gill. Private 210370, 75th Canadian Infantry
Born in Ealing London to George John and Eliza Jane Gill
Killed in action 29 March 1917 aged 32. Commemorated on the Vimy Memorial, France.

James Hanlon. Rifleman 5303, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles
Born 9 October 1871 at Circular Road Downpatrick to James and Margaret Ann Hanlon, nee Roney.
Married Mary Mechan at Ballykilbeg, Downpatrick Co Down 27 November 1898 aged 26, occupation labourer. They then resided at John Street, Downpatrick. When he got married his surname was given as O’Hanlon and he signed the register, same surname.
3 December 1899 his wife and first born were residing at John Street, Downpatrick. He was on active service at Cape Colony, South Africa. (Boer war)
Died 9 February 1915. His widow Mary was granted a war gratuity 23 October 1915 revised 21 July 1919. At rest in Bailleul Communal Cemetery Nord France.

Notes from his service record
He joined aged 18 years and 1 month the 13 January 1890 as Private 2618, with the 5th Royal Irish Rifles. He was awarded the medal for Distinguished Conduct 18 May 1903. Discharged as Lance Corporal 16 August 1902. Served 12 years with the 5th R.I.Rifles. Served in South Africa and was wounded in the legs.
Re-enlisted 4 June 1904 as Private 3626 into 5th Royal Irish Rifles aged 32 year and 3 months as 3626 for a period of four years.
Re-engaged the 28 June 1908 at Ballykinlar Army Camp, County Down. 9 June 1911 promoted to Lance Corporal, at Ballykinlar Army Camp, County Down.
No record for the period 1912-1915 found for him

James Henry. Corporal 6954, C Coy, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Henry, of Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Died 26 October 1914 aged 29. At rest in Sainghin-en-Weppes Communal Cemetery, France
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359.

Michael Hinds. Private 4695, 6th Connaught Rangers
Born 1881 to John Hinds of Ballykilbeg, County Down.
Married 9 May 1912 to Mary Kelly at Dundrum Co Down.
Died 20 November 1917. His widow was granted a war gratuity 24 June 1918.
At rest in Croosilles Raiway Cemetery, France.

Hugh Johnston. Rifleman 538, 16th Royal Irish Rifles.
Died 11 August 1917. At rest in Wieltje Carm Cemetery, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359

Alexander Johnston. Rifleman 16382, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Died 24 March 1918 aged 23 years. Commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial, Somme, France.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359

Joseph James Killen. Private 7065, Royal Munster Fusiliers Depot.
Ward of Hugh Murray, of Bridge St., Downpatrick, Co. Down. Served on the North-West Frontier of India, 1911-12.
Died 3 November 1915 aged31. At rest in Soldiers Plot 175, (Screen Wall) St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Cemetery Moston, Lancashire.

William Mortimer Lanyon. Captain 1st Royal Irish Rifles.
Born 10 June 1880 to Herbert and Amelia Owen Lanyon, nee Hind at Lismare Whiteabbey, County Antrim.
Husband of Helen Jane, nee Blizard. Married 17 July 1912 and the Parish Churcy of Carnmoney County Antrim. Occipation, Captain Royal Irish Rifles. She later remarried to Baird
Killed in action 5 April 1915 aged 34. His widow was granted a war gratuity 26 July 1915, revised 27 February 1916 and 23 July 1919.
At rest in 13th London Graveyard, Rue-Du-Bacquerpt, Laventie, France

Scotland Nation Probate Index, Ancestry.
William Mortimer Lanyon of the Villas, Downpatrick County Down. Capt 1st Royal Irish Rifles, died 5 April 1915 at Fleurbiax, France on active service, testate. Certificate endorsed by Commissary of Edinburgh aforesaid, the widow, (Helen Lanyon) one of the Executors. Value of Estate, £7584, 5s. 3d.

James Lavery.
It may be the following. James Lavery. Private 6041, 7th Royal Irish Rifles.
Born 22 August 1875 at Ballylucas, County Down to Arthur and Anne Lavery. Enlisted at Downpatrick both in County Down. Died 10 July 1916. His father Arthur was granted a war gratuity 16 January 1917 revised 3 September 1919.
At rest in Dud Corner Cemetery, Loos, France.

Four Love brothers. Click on love brothers in TAGS box to see other connections

Samuel Abiah Love. Sapper 28462, 26th Field Company, Royal Engineers.
Born 4 February 1893 to Robert James and Rachel Love, nee Quaile of Scotch Street., Downpatrick, Co. Down. Irish Census 1901-1911 with his parents and siblings at 18 Scotch Street Downpatrick. 1911 occupation, carpenter.
Died 8th April 1916 aged 23 years on active service 8th April 1916. His father was granted a war gratuity 23 June 1916 revised 24 September 1919. At rest in St Patrick's Cemetery, Loos, France.

He is commemorated on his parent’s memorial in Down Cathedral New Cemetery, . Memorial Tablet in Down Cathedral, and on Downpatrick War Memorial.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 1464

UK, Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects, 1901-1929 Have his name as Samuel ALEXANDER Lore. incorrect.
CWGC have Samuel ABIAH Love. Birth name

John Love. Sergeant 18106, 13th Royal Irish Rifles.
Born 11 April 1885 Robert James and Rachel Love, nee Quaile of Scotch Street Downpatrick
Irish Census 1901-1911 with his parents and siblings at 18 Scotch Street Downpatrick. 1911 occupation, stone mason.
Killed on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, (1July 1916) aged 30. His father was granted a war gratuity 13 November 1919.
Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial Somme, France.
Also commemorated on his parent’s memorial in Down Cathedral New Cemetery Downpatrick, Memorial Tablet in Down Cathedral, and on Downpatrick War Memorial.

George Love. Sergeant 7245, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Born 10 November 1881 Robert James and Rachel Love, nee Quaile of Scotch Street Downpatrick.
Irish Census 1901 with his parents and siblings at 18 Scotch Street Downpatrick. 1911 serving with the 1st Royal Irish Rifles at Alexandrea Barracks, Maymyo Burma.
Died from wounds in action at 44th Casualty Clearing Station, Puchevillers France 30 December 1916 aged 34 years. His father was granted a war gratuity 1 March 1917 revised 2 October 1919. At rest in Puchevillers British Cemetery France.
He is commemorated on his parent’s memorial in Down Cathedral New Cemetery Downpatrick also on the following. Memorial Tablet Down Cathedral and on Downpatrick War Memorial.

William Love. Sergeant 6672, 1st Royal Irish Rifles
Born 19 November 1886 to Robert James and Rachel Love, nee Quaile of Scotch Street Downpatrick, Co. Down. Irish Census 1901 with his parents and siblings at 18 Scotch Street Downpatrick.
Died 13th May 1919 aged 31 years, occupation, valet. His mother was at his bedside when he passed away. At rest in in Down Cathedral New Cemetery, Downpatrick County Down Northern Ireland
He is also commemorated on a Memorial Tablet in Down Cathedral, and on Downpatrick War Memorial.

Notes from his service records

Enlisted on the 20th February 1902 at Belfast. He served in India from the 27th November 1903 to 22nd October 1912. (1911 serving as Rifleman with the 1st Royal Irish Rifles at Alexandrea Barracks, Maymyo Burma.) In France from the 16th August 1914 to 28th October 1914 then he returned to England. The sent back to France on the 31st May 1916 to 23rd December 1916. On the 26th October 1914 he was shot in is upper hip, which hip, was not recorded. He was then invalided to England for treatment. When he returned to France he went sick about September 1916 while at the Somme. He was complaining of a pain in his side and when was also coughing. He was admitted to a hospital in France and then invalided to England. A medical report on an invalid by a doctor in Belfast Military Hospital shows that his disability was Pulmonary Tuberculosis. A sputum swab was taken and is proved positive for Tuberculosis. He was medically discharged from the army on the 23rd July 1917 as being no longer physically fit for war service under Para 392 (XVI) Kings Regulations.

William John Lyttle. Private 69290, 49th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.
Son of William and Grace Lyttle, of Scotch Street, Downpatrick.
Died 13 July 1917 aged 19. At rest in Down Cathedral New Cemetery, Downpatrick Co. Down.

John Malone. Sapper 64005, 121st Field Coy Royal Engineers.
Son of William Henry and Margaret Malone, of Church Street Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Died 23 May 1916 aged 22. At rest in Hamel Military Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel, France.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 1464.

Robert Love Melville. Sapper 57634 Royal Engineers
Born 10 February 1897 to William and Eliza Jane Melville, nee Love.
(His father served as Corporal 3657 2nd Black Watch, June 1886. Corporal 6262 3rd Manchester Regiment, November 1900. Private 59877 13th Royal Irish Rifles. 1915-1917 Served in France 1915-1916) Irish 1911 census with his parents and siblings at 1 Mary Street, Downpatrick.
Died of wounds at No 4 Causality Clearing Station 11 Apr 1916. His father was granted a war gratuity 12 August 1916.

James McAlister. Rifleman 7583, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of the late Colour Sergeant. J. and Mrs. Elizabeth McAllister, of South Down's, Downpatrick, Co. Down. Killed in action 27 October 1914 aged 27. Commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial, France.

Joseph McBride. Major, 27th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Born 17 October 1884 at Bridge Street Downpatrick to Michael Corbett and Mary McBride, nee Johnston later of 35, New Road., Ballymaconnell, Bangor, Co. Down.
Died 23 April 1917 aged 31. At rest in Vimy Communal Cemetery, Farbus, France

Samuel McCoubrey. Rifleman 71,16th Royal Irish Rifles.
Born 9 July 1875 to John and Eliza Jane McCoubrey, nee Watt.
14 September 1903 he married Catherine Kearney at St Margaret’s Church Downpatrick, occupation, labourer, father John McCoubrey. Irish 1911 he was living with his wife and two children at 40, Bridge Street, Downpatrick. Died at King George Hospital, London24 Aug 1916 aged 30. His widow was granted a war gratuity 29 March 1917 revised 2 October 1917.
At rest with his wife in Down Cathedral New Cemetery, County Down, Northern Ireland.

William James Skillen. Rifleman 143, 11th Royal Irish Rifles. Son of Robert and Mary Skillen, of Asylum Road, Downpatrick, Co. Down. Died 1 July 1916 aged 25 years. At rest in Gommecourt British Cemetery No2, Hebuterne, France.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359

Francis McCoubrey. Rifleman 5201, 7th Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of Francis and Annie McCoubrey, of Bridge Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down. Husband of Agnes McCoubrey, of Clough, Co. Down
Died 30 July 1916 aged 30. At rest in Bois-Carre Military Cemetery, Haisnes, France.

Thomas McCormick. Stoker 1st Class SS/113432 Royal Navy on H.M.T.D. "Eden,"
Born 9 August 1894 at Downpatrick to James and Kate McCormick. Irish 1901 census. With his parents and siblings at 36 Stream Street, Downpatrick.
At the time of his death his father was residing at Cemetery Cottage, Downpatrick.
Died at sea as the result of his ship colliding with transport ship SS France in the English Channel 18 June 1917. At rest in Ste.Marie Cemetery, Le Havre

HMS Eden sank on the night of 18 June 1916 after a collision with the transport SS France in the English Channel. She sank with the loss of her commander, Lieutenant A.C.N. Farquhar, and 42 officers and men while 33 officers and men were rescued by SS France. The wreck lies in 34 m (112 ft) in the waters near Fécamp.

Robert McDonald. Private 21738, 1st Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Son of Richard and Margaret of Irish Street, Downpatrick. On the 23 September 1914 he enlisted at Valcartier, Quebec, apparent age 24 years and 6 months. He embarked from Quebec on S.S. Royal Edward to Tidworth, Wiltshire on the 4 October 1914. On the 29 April 1915 he was taken on strength with the 1st Battalion at Rouen. Reported missing in action at Givenchy presumed to have died 15 June 1915. Commemorated on the Vimy Memorial, France.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 1464.

Robert Gerald McElney. Military Cross. Captain, 77th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.
Born 29 September 1892 at Saintfield County Down to Rev. Robert and Mary Elizabeth McElney, nee Davison of The Manse, Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Died 21 March 1918 aged 25. At rest in Grevillers British Cemetery, France.

William James McIlroy. Corporal 11276, 6th Royal Irish Rifles.
Born 9 May 1881 at Dundrum, County Down to John and Elizabeth McIlroy, nee Mackerel of Bridge Street Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Killed in action 17 August 1915 aged 30. Commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Turkey (including Gallipoli) He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359

William McKee. Corporal 4885, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of Captain Hugh and Charlotte McKee, of Saul Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Died 30 August 1916 aged 22. At rest in Puchevikllers British Cemetery, France.

Hugh McKee. Sergeant 3475 8th Royal Irish Regiment. Formerly 18316, 13th Royal Irish Rifles
Born at Kilkeel Co Down to Captain Hugh and Charlotte McKee, of Saul Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down. Died 06 September 1918 age 30. At rest in New Irish Farm Cemetery, Belgium.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 1464.

Francis McQuoid. Private 23857, 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Born 19 June 1895 at Downpatrick to single mother Ellen McQuoid.
Died 8 Aug 1917. His mother was granted a war gratuity 21 May 1920.
At rest in Coxyde Military Cemetery, Belgium.

John McQuoid. Rifleman 5/5462, 6th Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of James and Sarah Jane McQuoid, of Ballyvange, Downpatrick. Husband of Maggie Jane McQuoid, of Fountain Street, Downpatrick Co. Down.
Died 10 March 1918 aged 26. At rest in Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel and Palestine (including Gaza)

Charles McWlliams. Rifleman 18390, 13th Royal Irish Rifles.
Killed in action 1 July 1916. His father, Henry, was granted a war gratuity 12 November 1917 revised 18 October 1919. Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
He was a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359.

Thomas James Moody. Rifleman 17/1332, 9th Royal Irish Rifles.
Born 20 September 1880 at Coleraine, County Londonderry to Mathew and Hester, nee Barr.
He married aged 33 to Jeanie Floyd the 20 August 1914 at Downpatrick. Occupation Stone Cutter, Father Mathew Moody. Later they resided at Irish Street., Downpatrick.
Died 13 November 1916. At rest in Down Cathedral Old Cemetery, Downpatrick Co Down.

Thomas William Morgan. Driver 101143 C Battery, 82nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Born 16 May 1895 at Fountain Street to John Alexander and Catherine (k/a Kate) Morgan, nee Perry of Fountain Street, Downpatrick. Irish 1901-1911 residing with his parents and siblings at 4 Fountain Street. Died of wounds 29 November 1917. His mother was granted a war gratuity 10 December 1919. At rest in Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery, Belgium.

Francis Leo Morgan Corporal 10112, 2nd Royal Irish Fusiliers
Born 31 January 1888 at Scotch Street, Downpatrick to Patrick and Mary Ann Morgan, nee Killen
Killed in action 14 March 1915. His father Patrick was granted a war gratuity 28 September 1915 revised 26 July 1919.
Commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belgium.
He is named as Frank with the CWGC. Birth name Francis.

William Mortimer. Unable to find the correct record for this person listed with the CWGC.
Irish census shows no William Mortimer residing at Down for both census years. General search on the internet keep referring to Capt William Mortimer Lanyon.

Craig Nelson. Captain, 1/ 3rd Brahman Regiment and attached 69 Punjabis
Son of the late Surgeon Major. Edwin Field Nelson. Husband of Irene Nelson, of 16, The Close, Norwich. Formerly served in the Royal Irish Rifles and fought in the Boer War
Mentioned in Despatches.
Killed in action 25 September 1915 aged 36. Commemorated on the Neuve-Chapelle Memorial, France. He is also commemorated on the 1st Presbyterian Non-Subscribing Church Downpatrick

Robert Nixon. Rifleman 7294, 1st Royal Irish Rifles.
Killed in action on the first day of the battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916.
Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.

Thomas James Nixon. Private 12280, 9th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
Son of William James and Ellen Nixon, of Downpatrick.
He was discharge from the army 3 April 1917 and died 6 May 1918 aged 23 years. His father was granted a war gratuity 11 November 1919. Atrest in St Margaret Churchyard, Down, Downpatrick Co Down. He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359
Copyright/usage Info
World War One continued.

William John Peake. Military Medal. Corporal 19168, 13th Royal Irish Rifles. Son of John and Elizabeth Peake, of Ballywalter Park, Ballywalter, Co. Down. Killed in action on the first day of the battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916 aged 24 years. Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France
He was also a member of the Royal Black Preceptory No 130

George William Pell. Corporal 120404 Royal Army Medical Corps. (NOT RAMC)
Born 1881 at Kirkby Lonsdale, Lancashire to George Jackson and Alice Jane Pell, nee Brantingham.
1891 with his mother at Little Marylebone Street, London.
14 August 1902 he married Eliza Jane McKelvey, occupation, Lance Corporal, Ballykinlar Army Camp, Co Down.
1903-1911 with his wife and children at 69 Bridge Street, Downpatrick, occupation, general labourer.
Born at Kerby Lonsdale, Lancashire 1887 to George Jackson, coachbuilder and Alice Jane Pell, nee Brantingham Other records show his father’s name as George William Pell.
Died 26 June 1918 aged 33 at Waverley Hospital, Ballymena Co Antrim, Ireland.of pneumonia which he had for nine days. His widow Eliza Jane Pell was granted a war gratuity 23 February 1921.
At rest in Down Cathedral new Cemetery, Downpatrick County Down.

The following information is taken from both of his service records. Neither show he served in the RAMC.

He joined at Armagh 18 August 1914 as Private 11476 with the 5th Royal Irish Fusiliers aged 29 years and 3 months. He was born in Kirby Lonsdale Lancashire.
26 August 1914 promoted to Lance Corporal with the 5th Battalion, reverts at own request 22 October 1914. He was transferred to 3rd Battalion. 10 March 1915.
Fought in France 13 April 1915 to 15 May 1915, posted to Portello Barrack, Dublin.
18 May 1915 he was admitted into 2nd Western General Hospital, Manchester with haemorrhoids and epilepsy. He was operated on for haemorrhoids and whilst in hospital he had an epileptic seizure. He was on a medical board 8 June 1915. at the same hospital Disability, epilepsy. His epilepsy originated September 1914 at Portello Barracks when he was on duty in the Officers Mess.. He was discharged from the hospital 17 June 1915 as being no longer physically fit for war service

He joined up again the 18 November 1915 aged 32 at Thiepval Barracks, Holywood Co Down as Private 6127, 5th Royal Irish Rifles. Previously served 325 day with the Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Promoted to Corporal 18 November 1915.
Had and an epileptic fit on the 8 April 1916 at the barracks and was He was admitted into a hospital at Holywood (It may have been the UVF Hospital, Holywood (Now called the Somme Nursing Home)), 10 April 1916. He was seen by Captain Alick E Knight RAMC for Lieutenant Colonel RAMC, A/ADMS, Belfast District who discharged him from the army 15 August 1916 as being unfit for any further service. He went back to his family at Bridge Street, Downpatrick.

His medal card shows him with the two regiments as stated. RAMC not on it.
British Army World War I Medal Rolls Index Cards, 1914-1920. Five person had the same number, No Pell or RAMC..

Sidney Victor Rea. Private 202660, 1st London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers)
Born 1896 and baptised 2 October 1896 both at Netheravon, Wiltshire to David and Harriet Rea. His father was an Excise Officer 2nd Class Inland Revenue. Birth registered as Sidney Victor Rea. His parents had passed away before him. Father died in 16 March 1900, at Christchurch, Hampshire.
Irish 1901 census. He was residing with aunt and uncle Elizabeth and Samuel at 4 Crescent Place, Ardglass, Co. Down, Ireland. 1911 boarder at a College and Boarding School 1-2 Blackhall Place, West Side, Arran Quay, Dublin. Ireland.
Died of wounds 23 May 1917 aged 21. His uncle Samuel was granted a war gratuity 19 September 1917 revised 31 October 1919.
At rest in Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension, France.

Following three Roberts brothers killed in battle.
William Henry Roberts. Gunner 34392, 107th Battery, 23rd Brigade Royal Field Artillery.
Born 28 July 1884 at Sommervill , near Rathdown County Dublin to Thomas and Amelia Roberts, nee Hayes of Church Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Died of wounds at 5th Casualty Clearing Station, Corbie ( boy’s school and “Salle de Theatre”) 27 July 1916 aged 33. His mother was granted a war gratuity 8 May 1917, revised 8 September 1919.
At rest in Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension, France

Albert Edward Roberts. Royal Navy Stoker 1st Class K/23656 on HMS Racoon.
Born 9 April 1887 at Dublin to Thomas and Amelia Roberts, nee Hayes His mother Amelia Nixon (remarried) of Church Street, Downpatrick Co Down was informed of his death. Died at sea 9 January 1918. Commemorated on Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent.

John Martin Roberts. Private 71027, (Cyclist Regiment) North Irish Horse.
Born 26 May 1888 to Thomas and Amelia Roberts, nee Hayes at Sumerville near Rathdown, County Dublin. Llater of Church Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down. Husband of Robina Roberts, nee Crawford. Died 21 August 1918 aged 30. His widow was granted a war gratuity 28 January 1919 revised 15 December 1919. At rest in Queens Cemetery Bucquoy, France.

Samuel Robert Smith. Private 6219 Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Born 26 September 1875 at John Street Downpatrick Co. Down to Thomas and Elizabeth Smith, nee Nixon. Birth registered at Samuel Smith. Known as Samuel Robert
Husband of Mary Ann, nee McAllister who married 2 April 1911 St Columcille Chapel, Belfast. His occupation, tailor, resided at Fountain Street, Downpatrick. His wife was from Strandtown, Belfast.
(She remarried as Mary Frances Smith and a SPINSTER to Patrick James Trainor at Downpatrick. She resided at Fountain Street, Downpatrick. )
Killed in action 21 October 1914. His widow was granted a war gratuity 15 March 1915 revised 6 October 1919, now called Mary Frances Trainor. Commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium.

John Smyth. Military Medal Sergeant 8582, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles
Husband of Bridget.
Killed 23 March 1918. His widow was granted a war gratuity 4 September 1918, revised 6 January 1920. Commemorated on the Poziers Memorial, France.
Edinburgh Gazette dated 22 October 1917.
Awarded Military Medal 3/8582 Sjt. J. Smyth, R.I. Rifles (Belfast).

Patrick Smyth. Rifleman 11016, 2nd Royal Irish Rifles.
Son of John and Ellen Smyth, of John Street Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Died 17 May 1916 aged 37. At rest in Ecoivres Military Cemetery, Mont-St. Eloi, France.

James Thompson. Military Medal. Lance Corporal 11167, 7/8th Royal Irish Fusiliers
Son of James Thompson, of The Green, Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Killed in action 20 November 1917 aged 23. Commemorated on the Arras Memorial, France.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359

William Tweedie. Rifleman 107, 13th Royal Irish Rifles. Son of Alexander and Mary of 26 Bridge Street, Downpatrick Co Down. Died on the first day of the Battle of the Somme,1 July 1916. At rest in Tincourt New British Cemetery, Somme, France.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 359.

James Watterson. Rifleman 19305, 13th Royal Irish Rifles. Born 1883 at Downpatrick to John and Eliza A Watterson of 24 Church Street, Downpatrick Co Down. Died 16 August 1917 aged 34 years. Commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 1464.

Henry Keith Crichton Weir. Captain, 10th South Staffordshire Regiment. Son of Henry Crichton Weir and Elizabeth Singer O'Neill Weir, of Iniscora, Downpatrick. Died 3 May 1916 aged 23 years. At rest in Down Cathedral New Cemetery, Co Down. He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 431.

James Whitelaw. Rifleman 11290, 6th Royal Irish Rifles.
Born at Downpatrick to James and Mary Ann Whitelaw. Husband of Mary Ann Whitelaw, of Bridge Street Downpatrick Co Down.
Died 10 May 1920 aged 50. At rest in Down Cathedral New Cemetery, Downpatrick Co Down.

James Gamble Wilson. (k/a Gamble Wilson). Private 32696, 1/6th South Staffordshire Regiment, formerly Private 011697 Army Ordnance Corps. Son of James and Harriett Wilson, of Downpatrick, Co. Down. 1901 he was residing with his mother and siblings at 21 John Street, Downpatrick. 1911 he was residing with his aunt, Jane Matthews aged 72 years at 95 Inish Street, Downpatrick Died 29 September 1918 aged 27 years. His sister, Margaret, was granted war gratuity 19 March 1919. At rest in Bellicourt British Cemetery, France. (CWGC have him recorded as Gamble)
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 1464.

Thomas Wilson. Corporal 11660 47th Coy Machine Gun Corps. Son of William and Margaret Wilson of (1901) 13 Killinakin, Killinchy, Co Down. 1911 with his parents and siblings at 39 Bridge Street, Downpatrick. Husband of Mary Wilson, of Shore Cottage, Killyleagh, Co. Down. Died 9 September 1916 aged 28 years. His widow was granted a war gratuity 31 December 1917 revised 4 December 1919. At rest in Guillemont Road Cemetery, Guillemont, Somme, France.
He was also a member of Downpatrick Orange Lodge 1464
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1939 in the World Wars 1945​

Charles Telford. Marine. PO/X 3647 Royal Marines on HMS Hood.
Born 14 November 1920 at Ballee near Downpatrick to Ellen Jane Telford, single, domestic servant.
Died at sea 24 May 1941 aged 20. Commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire.

Albert Edward Berry. Fusilier 5108831, 4th Royal Welch Fusiliers.
Son of William Albert and Clara Ann Berry. Husband of Rosena Berry of Downpatrick, Co. Down, Northern Ireland. Died 20 July 1944 aged 28. At rest in Bayeux War Cemetery, France

Edward Benigies (memorial has Ettore) Borza. Rifleman 7012132, 2nd Royal Ulster Rifles.
Born 9 November 1915 at Church Street, Downpatrick to Ottario and Kathlee, Borza, nee O’Prey. His father was a confectioner.
Husband of Geraldine May, nee Tuff who he married 1936 in the Registration District of Gravesend, Kent. Died 31 October 1939 aged 24. At rest in St. Andre Communal Cemetery, France.

Amelia Corry. Private W/50124, Auxiliary Territorial Service.
Born 1922 to Johnston and Amelia Corry, of Saul, Co Down. Died 26 March 1947 aged 25. At rest in Downpatrick First Presbyterian (Non Subscribing) Churchyard, Co Down Northern Ireland.

Samuel David Corry. M.B Captain 119736 Royal Army Medical Corps attached to 3 Commando.
Born 20 October 1913 at Victoria Avenue Newtownards to Samuel O.B.E and of Anna Corry nee Stoupe, of Bangor, Co. Down, Northern Ireland. M.B.

Died 20 August 1942 aged 28. At rest in St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen France.
He is commemorated on a family headstone at Movilla Cemetery, Newtownards.
Full abstract of his WILL held by the PRONI
Corry Samuel David Corry of 10 Victoria Avenue Newtownards Co Down captain R.A.M.C. died 20 August 1942 on active service Probate Belfast 24 August to Samuel Corry factory proprietor.

London Gazette dated 3rd April 1942. Military Medal
The KING has been graciously pleased to approve that" the following be Mentioned in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in successful combined operations against the enemy at Vaagso and Maaloy.

Military Medal recommendation on Army Form W.3121 as seen on National Archives, Kew, London. No date shown when it was recommended
Full Extract with section that was omitted. That will be shown as (-)
“Throughout the operations ashore at Vasgo in Southern Norway Capt Corry at unit Medical Officer did outstanding work. He went forward personally several times to deal with badly wounded men and maintained an efficient Regimental Aid Post at a time when casualties were heavy. He organised the re-embarkation of wounded (and engaged the enemy himself with his rifle on many occasions.) His work on the return voyage although arduous and conducted under most difficult conditions was performed with great skill.

William Strain Craig. Gunner 1468560, 11 Battery 3rd Searchlight Regiment Royal Artillery.
Born 30 July 1904 to Samuel and Matilda Craig, nee Maginnis of Saul Street, Downpatrick. Birth registered as William Craig. Irish 1901 census. With his parents and siblings at 56 Woodgrange, Hollymount, County Down. 1911 census. The family had moved to 72 Scotch Street, Downpatrick, he was aged 13.
Died in action during the Dunkirk evacuation (27 May 1940 – 4 Jun 1940) the 1 June 1940 aged 35. At rest in Dunkirk Town Cemetery, France.

Edward Cunningham. Corporal 7010552, 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Born 1 February 1908 at Scotch Street, Downpatrick to Patrick and Ellen Cunningham, nee McCormick. His father was residing at Main Street, Newcastle County Down, occupation, fisherman. His mother died 22 February 1909 at Scotch Street aged 29. Irish 1911 he and his sisters, Mary and Bridget were residing with their grandmother Bridget McCormack at Scotch Street. May be in their family home. Their father for the same period was residing with his widowed mother at 221 Main Street, Newcastle.
Died 11 February 1943 aged 35. At rest in Medjez-El-Bab War Cemetery, Tunisia.

William Matthew Donaldson. Flight Sergeant 552181, Royal Air Force of 123 Squadron Royal Air Force. Supermarine Spitfire Squadron
Son of Thomas and Mary A. Donaldson, of Downpatrick, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died in RAF Hospital Cairo of multiple burns sustained in an aircraft accident 4 July 1943 aged 22.
At rest in Heliopolis War Cemetery Egypt.
Will Calendars provided by Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
Full Abstract :
Donaldson William Matthew of Saul Street Downpatrick County Down flight sergeant in the R.A.F. died 4 July 1943 at a Military Hospital Cairo. Administration Belfast 29 March to Thomas Donaldson police constable. Effects £125 14s. 2d.

Leonard F Doyle Not listed with the CWGC

James Fitzsimons. Private D/2444, Army Catering Corps.
Son of Patrick Fitzsimons and of Catherine Fitzsimons, nee McCarthy, of Downpatrick. Husband of Margery Fitzsimons, of Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim.
Died 30 March 1947 aged 61. At rest in St Patrick Roman Catholic Cemetery, Downpatrick, Co Down.

James Edgar Glendinning (Memorial has Glendenning) Flying Officer 151029 Royal Air Force (VR) attached to 404 Squadron RAF
Born 7 April 1909 to John Clements D.L., and Mary Frances Glendinning, nee Campbell of 11 Crawford Street Derry.
Died 22 December 1943. He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Surrey.
Will Calendars. Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
Full Abstract :
Glendinning James Edgar of Glendearg Dhu Varren Portrush county Londonderry pilot officer died 22 December 1943 on active service while flying from Wick Scotland Probate Belfast 10 November to John Albert McCormick bank official and John McRobert solicitor. Effects £759 16s. 5d.

Extract from https://www.natwestgroupremembers.com/our-fallen/our-fallen-ww2/g/james-glendinning.html
James Glendinning
Bank: Ulster Bank

Place of work: Downpatrick branch
Died: 22 December 1943
James Edgar Glendinning was born on 7 February 1909, the son of John Clements Glendinning, a Northern Irish politician and newspaper proprietor, and his wife Mary Frances. In June 1927 he went to work for Ulster Bank at its head office in Belfast. In February 1928 he moved to Larne branch, then back to head office in October 1930, to Belfast Shaftesbury Square branch in January 1931 and to Downpatrick branch in July 1938.
In January 1942 Glendinning left the bank to go on war service, joining the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Flying Officer Glendinning was reported missing, later confirmed dead, on 22 December 1943, when his aircraft crashed into the sea on an operation. He was 34 years old.
James Glendinning is commemorated on two memorials at Ulster Bank’s Belfast head office: its roll of honour for staff who served in the Second World War and its memorial for those who fell.

Alan Gordon Jaye. Sergeant 1043669, Royal Air Force VR attached to 83 Squadron RAF.
Son of John Alan and Evelyn Lancaster Campbell Jaye, of Downpatrick, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died 25 March 1942 age 19. At rest in Heverlee War Cemetery, Belgium.

William Johnston (Curley) Rifleman 7018189, 1st Airborne Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles.
Husband of Jane D. Johnston, of Newtownards, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died 19 June 1944 aged 22. At rest in Ranville War Cemetery, France.

Henry Kelly. Gunner 7043592, 4/2 Maritime Regiment, Royal Artillery.
Born22 June 1919 to William John and Mary, nee McMullan of Downpatrick, Co Down.
Drowned at sea 25 September 1942 aged 25 on the sinking Ministry of War Transport New York
Commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire and also commemorated on a family memorial at St Patricks Cemetery Killough Road Downpatrick

David Love. Sergeant 7006373, 30th Royal Irish Fsiliers.
Born 3 January 1891 to of Robert James and Rachel Love, nee Quaile of Scotch Street, Downpatrick, Co. Down. Irish Census 1901 with his parents and siblings at 18 Scotch Street Downpatrick.
1911 in the army stationed at Alexandra Barracks, Myanmar Burma with a Coy Royal Irish Rifles
Husband of Aileen Caroline Love, nee Fryer of Aylesford, Kent. They were married 1930 in the registration district East Ashford, Kent.
Died 02 January 1943 aged 52. At rest in St Mary Church of Ireland churchyard (New ground) County Armagh.

John Patterson MacIlwaine. Sergeant, Pilot 1114000, Royal Air Force of 53 Operational Training Unit at RAF Llandow, Glamorgan, South Wales.. Son of Robert and Janetta MacIlwaine, of Newtownstewart. Co Down Northern Ireland.
Killed while flying his Spitfire X4263 on a training exercise which crashed into the Bristol Channel off Rhoose Point near LLandow, 26 August 1941 aged 26. At rest in Ardstraw Church of Ireland Churchyard, County Tyrone.

Arthur James Mathews. Pilot Officer 155803 Royal Air Force VR attached to 630 Squadron RAF.
Husband of Lilian Matthews, of Downpatrick, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died 23 November 1943 aged 30. Commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Surrey.

Joseph Hanna. Lance Corporal 698010, 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Son of James and Annie Hanna, of Leggamaddy, near Downpatrick Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died 27 May 1940 aged 19. At rest in Dozinghem Military Cemetery, Belgium.

Thomas Moreland McBride. Private 2197555, 109 Coy, Auxiliary Military Pioneer Corps (AMPC)
Son of William John and Rachel Mary McBride, of Downpatrick, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died 14 March 1940 aged 19. At rest in Bayeux War Cemetery, France.

John Joseph McGrath. Fusilier 3130321, 2nd Royal Scots Fusiliers.
Son of James and Susan McGrath, of Downpatrick, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died 10 July 1943 aged 22. At rest in Syracuse War Cemetery, Sicily.

James Maxwell McCausland. Pilot Officer 80827, Royal Air Force VR attached to 82 Squadron RAF.
Missing in action 8 September 1940. Commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Surrey.
He was part crew of three in a Blenheim IV R3730 which took 1200 from Watton to reconnoitre the Belgian, French and Dutch coast with or without the assistance of cloud, they failed to return. Lost without trace. Commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Surrey.
Looking at Sgt Philpott, Observer, record, they were on a mission to bomb enemy territory.
Auth, It may have been both.

Will Calendars, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
Full Abstract :
McCausland James Maxwell of Hillcrest Dunmurry county Down pilot officer R.A.F. died 8 September 1940 Administration Belfast 15 December to Shelia Clague married woman. Effects £361 16s.
The other crew were.
Sergeant 935733 Samuel Fletcher RAF. Sergeant 39971 John Bernard Philpott. RNZA

William Harper Campbell Davison McElney. Sergeant wireless Op/Air Gnr 207182, South African Air Force attached to 72 Operational Training Unit, RAF (Formed in November 1941 at RAF Carthago to train light bomber crews in tropical conditions.
Born 2 January 1900 at Downpatrick to Robert and Mary Elizabeth McElney, nee Davison. Irish 1901 census. Residing with his parents and siblings at No 2 Saul Road, Downpatrick. 1911 with his parents and siblings at 60 Saul Street, Downpatrick.. Later of "The Hill", Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland.
He was part of a crew of three flying in a Douglas Boston III Z2177, 2 October 1942 when it crashed. All the crew perished and are at rest in Nanyuki War Cemetery, Kenya. He was aged 42.
Photograph credited to South Africa War Graves Project. http://www.southafricawargraves.org/search/index_advanced.php
The other crew were both RAF.
2nd Lieutenant, Observer, Douglas Haig Velleman and Lieutenant, Pilot Charles Alax Wilson

Margaret McIlroy. Not listed with the CWGC or the Army Roll of Honour, 1939-1945
She may be the following
Margaret McIlroy of Rathfriland Road Banbridge county Down widow died 22 September 1944 Administration Belfast 25 February to Samuel John McIlroy civil servant. Effects £213 1s. 5d.

Terence John McQueen. Sergeant 7897810, Royal Armoured Corps, North Irish Horse
Son of John and Mary McQueen, nee Wright, of Bangor, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died 22 July 1944 aged 30 At rest in Arezzo War Grave, Italy.

Edwin Moore. Sapper 1902693, 713 General Construction Coy, Royal Engineers.
Son of John Coulter Moore and Jane Sarah Moore, of Downpatrick, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died between 29 May 1940 and 02 June 1940 on the beach at Dunkirk, aged 22. Commemorated on the Dunkirk Memorial, France.

Edward J O’Hare. Unable to find the correct record listed for this person with the CWGC

Arthur Vincent Paxton. Signalman 3386738 1st Lines of Communication Signals, Royal Corps of Signals. Son of Frederick and Mary Paxton, of Wealdstone, Middlesex.
Died 16 February 1945 aged 22. At rest in Bone War Cemetery, Annaba, Algeria.

Charles Edward Poots. Sergeant 139444 Royal Air Force VR attached to 131 Operational Training Unit RAF at Lough Erne Yacht Club,
Born 4 November 1917 at 4.25pm to Robert and Edith Poots of Downpatrick, Co Down. His twin sister Edith was born at 3.55pm.
He was part of a crew of nine flying in a Catalina Ib FP120, the 2 November 1943 aged 25.
A depth charges exploded on board, the plane crashed into the Atlantic off the Donegal coast, Ireland, during a training exercise.
Commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Surrey.

Henry Wilson Porter. Telegraphist D/JX 155258 Royal Navy on HMS Prince of Wales.
Born 5 Apr 1922 at Kilkeel Co Down to William and Arabella Porter, of Annalong, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died at sea 10 December 1941 aged 19 on the sinking of his ship by Japanese Submarines Commemorated on the Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon.

William John Porter. Petty Officer Telegraphist D/JX 146518 Royal Navy on HMS Warwick (D25)
Born 20 February 1920 at Kilkeel, Co Down to William and Arabella Porter, of Annalong, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died at sea 20 February 1944 aged 24 on the sinking of his ship by U-413 The ship was hit on the stern by a torpedo fired by the German submarine U-413 southwest of Trevose Head. The ship in minutes, after her after engine room bulkhead collapsed. Sixty-seven crew were killed, with 93 survivors being rescued. Commemorated on the Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon.

George Skillings. Private 5884906, Northamptonshire Regiment
Born 1916 Sidney James Hardingham and Daisy Edith Skillings, nee Bowem. Husband of Elizabeth Skillings, of Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Died 14 December 1944 aged 28. At rest in Beirut War Cemetery, Lebanese Republic.

Patrick Brendon Smyth. Private 5382332, 2nd Airborne Battalion, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry
Born 1919 at Downpatrick to Hugh Smyth and of Susan Smyth, nee Carr. Husband of Winifred Kate Smyth, nee Compton of Basingstoke, Hampshire.
Died 19 July 1944 aged 25. At rest in Ranville War Cemetery, France.
Commemorated Basingstoke town war memorial.

George Alexander Williamson Acting Leading Stoker D/KX94611 Royal Navy on HMS Repulse
Born 6 September 1919 at Downpatrick Co Down to George and Annie Williamson, of Carnmoney, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland.
Died on the sinking of his ship by Japanese Submarine 10 December 1941 aged 22. Commemorated on the Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon.

Hugh Dennis McNabb. Sergeant 628246 Royal Air Force, attached to 269 Squadron RAF.
Son of Hugh and Sarah McNabb, of Downpatrick, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.
Died 08 February 1941 aged 21. Commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Surrey.
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