
Chester Cathedral Ex-Choristers


To the glory of God and in grateful memory of the following Ex-Choristers who gave their lives in the Great Wars

BATEMAN, Cecil Henry, Private 325145, 2/8th Royal Warwickshire Regiment who died 7th September 1917 aged 25. Son of John Henry and Helen of Monachlog Northop, Flintshire. Buried in Oxford Road Cemetery, Belgium

HALLIDAY, John Percy. He is not listed with the CWGC nor is he dedicated on the Chester War Memorial in the Town Hall. It may be this person. He lived at 38, Newry Park, Chester, occupation Bank Clerk and he died 22nd February 1920 at The Royal Infirmary, Chester . He was the son of George William and Mary Ann. In 1911 his mother was residing at 38, Newry Park, Chester. He may have died from the effects of war service on the front.

HOWARD, Frank He is dedicated on the war memorial in Chester Town hall as Sergeant, R.F.A. It may be this soldier. Francis Henry Howard, Sergeant 41624, 31st Battery Royal Field Artillery. Son of Major F Howard, Cheshire Regiment, and Mrs l Howard of "Lakesi", Church Road, South Hayling, Hants. Commemorated on the La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial, Seine-et-Marne, France.

SNELSON, Leonard, Lance Corporal S/3033, 2nd Rifle Brigade died 31st July 1917 aged 26. Son of W Egerton and Elizabeth of 23. Christleton Road, Chester. Commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belgium


CALVERT, Leslie Douglas, Quartermaster Sergeant, 38466, 30th Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment died 19th September 1944 aged 52. Son of William and Clara and husband of Maud Mary of Hoole Village, Cheshire. Buried in Dely Ibrahim War Cemetery, Algeria

HOWIE, Charles William, Pilot Officer, Air Gunner 77937, 140th squadron, Royal Air Force died 12th July 1940 aged 39. Son of William Orford and Alice Rhoda and husband of Mildred of Margate. Buried in Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

JACKSON, Samuel Henry, Flight Sergeant, Wireless Operator, Air Gunner 1101252, 102 Squadron, Royal Air Force, died 10th September 1942 aged 22. Son of Joseph and Sarah Ellen of Chester. Buried in Vlissingen Northern cemetery, Flushing, Zeeland, Netherlands

LEDSHAM, Ronald, Sergeant Air Gunner 1535227, 44th Squadron, Royal Air Force 24th October 1918. Son of Thomas William and Jessie Agnes of Little Sutton, Cheshire. Buried in Reichwald Forest War Cemetery, Germany

WOODALL William Valentine (Memorial has Valentine) Sergeant Navigator 1621458, 70th squadron, Royal Air Force died 19th November 1944 aged 25. Son of Robert and Catherine of Pulford, Cheshire. Buried in Belgrade War Cemetery, Serbia

This window is erected by the Chester Cathedral Old Choristers Association
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