
BAOR Active Edge

The last "Active Edge" carried on by 26 RA 1989 "The Russians are NOT coming!"
I used to love active edge (an exercise) for those not in the know. It always left me wanting, short of kit etc because somebody had nicked it or so on and so forth..... your post brought back some fond memories mate (Y)
I seem to remember sitting on the square in my wagon, waiting for the seniors to work out what the Fk was going on. We'd have checked all the kit (and like Bomber says, find half of it missing!!) and then about 0600 get going. We'd spend about 5 hours hanging around. The photo shows the "new" helmet and good old SLR gat, putting this pic at the earliest in the very late 80's - am I right?

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26 Regiment Royal Artillery memories
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