Extended Description
In memory of our previous Presidents the late
Lieutenant General 8785 Arthur Ernest Percival. CB, DSO, OBE, MC.
1951 – 1966
Born 26 December 1887 at Aspenden Hertfordshire to Alfred Reginald and Edith Percival, nee Miller
1891 with his parents and brother Frank at Sprangewell, Thundridge, Hertfordshire. 1901 boarder aged 14 at a Preparatory(Danesbury) School for Boys, Hertfordshire. 1911 with his parents and same brother at Sprangwell, occupation, merchants’ clerk
He married Margaret Elizabeth MacGregor-Greer in 1927 at Kensington, London
Taken prisoner of war by the Japanese and interred at Hoten POW Camp, Manchuria near Mukden (now Shenyang)
Died 31 January 1966 at Westminster, London aged 78 years

Supplement to London Gazette dated 14 November 1916.
Military Cross citation.
Temp. Capt. Arthur Ernest Percival, Bedfordshire Regiment.
For conspicuous gallantry in action.
During the advance he showed fine leadership and determination under heavy shell
and machine-gun fire. He worked unceasingly, with absolute disregard of danger, in
completing every detail in the consolidation of the captured position.

Supplement to London Gazette dated 13 September 1918
Capt. (T./Lt.-Col.) Arthur Ernest Percival, M.C., Essex R., attd. Bedf. R.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during recent operations. He handled his battalion cleverly, showing power of command and knowledge of tactics. He set a fine example during several critical periods.

Supplement to London Gazette 25 April 1941
Regular Army.
The undermentioned relinquishes his appt.: —
Maj.-Gen. A. E. Percival, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C. (8785), as a Comdr. 9th Apr. 1941, and
remains on full pay

London Gazette dated 9 May 1941.
Maj.-Gen. A. E. Percival, D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C. (8785), is granted the actg. rank of Lt.-Gen. without pay and allces. of that rank. 5th Apr. 1941

London Gazette 9 January 1948
Maj.-Gen. (Hon. Lt.-Gen.) A. E. PERCIVAL, C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C. (8785), late Inf., having
attained the age limit of liability to recall, ceases to belong to the Res. of Offrs., 26th Dec. 1947.
Many more references to him in the London Gazette.

and the late

Brigadier (38862) Sir Philip John Denton Toosey. CBE., DSO
1966 – 1973
12 August 1904 to Charles Denton and Caroline Mabel Augusta Toosey, nee Percy. 1911 with his parents and siblings at 20 Rose Mount, Oxton Cheshire
1932 he married Muriel Alexandra Eccles in Liverpool resided at Heathcote Hooton Wirral
He died 22 December 1975 aged 71 years
Commanded 135th (Hertfordshire Yeomanry) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery
He was the senior Allied officer in the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp at Tha Maa Kham (known as Tamarkan) in Thailand during World War II. The men at this camp-built Bridge 277 of the Burma Railway
Mentioned in Dispatches Gazetted 20/12/40.
UK, World War II Allied Prisoners of War, 1949-1945. WO345 Japanese Index Cards
Philip John Dention Toosey.38862. DOB, 1904.8.12. Rank Lt Colonel (C Offr) Unit 135 Fd Regt RA 18 Div. Father and mother’s name Charles and Caroline Mabel. Place of Orgin. Birkenhead Cheshire, occupation Merchant Banker. Destination of Report Mrs P.J.D. Toosey Heathcote Hooton Wirral Cheshire England

A small extract from the book “ The Colonel of Tamarkan.

Lieutenant Colonel Philip Toosey, the senior officer among the 3000-odd Allied servicemen in Tamarkan prison camp had to comply with Japanese orders to help construct their Thailand-Burma railway. With malnutrition, disease and brutality their constant companions, it was a near impossible task for men who had already endured terrible privations but under Toosey's careful direction, a subtle balancing act between compliance and subversion, the Alliedinmates not only survived but regained some of their self-respect.

also look at the following link.

Image of Toosey credited to Wikipedia

Downloads from the National Archives.

WO-373-89-1108 Mentioned in Dispatches (look for MC)
M. i.D. Recommendation
Major Philip John Denton Toosey. 49th Medium Regiment, 2nd Corps (troops)
Full extract
During the whole of the retreat he commanded his battery with the utmost courage, coolness and resource. He got his guns safely over the Canal of HONDESCHOOTE in the face of great difficulties, and continued to shoot them until late on the evening 1st June, by which time the battery had fired all the ammunition available, including a quantity which had been salved from abandoned vehicles. By his courage, leadership and untiring example he inspired his men and saved many casualties at GHYVELD. He personally went to the assistance of wounded through under heavy shell fire.

WO-373-47-175 DSO
DSO Recommended by Lt-Gen A E Percival. GOC Malaya.
Lieutenant Colonel 38862 Philip John Denton Toosey 3rd Indian Corps, 135 Field Regiment Royal Artillery
Full extract.
135 Fld Regt were grouped with the 11th Indian Div during the last five weeks of the campaign. This officer is a great leader whe enjoyed the full confidence of all those with whom he came into contact. His personal disregard of danger on many occasions between 15th Jan 42 and 15 Feb 42, enabled forward positions and exposed O.Ps to be continued in occupation in spite of intense shelling. In this way and by skilful organization full advantage was taken to hamper the enemy’s movements, and to engage their guns. He has outstanding attributes both as man and as a RA Regimental Commander.

D.S.O. 13.12.45

WO 373/162/195 CBE
Full extract taken from AF W3121
Brigadier Philip John Denton Toosey DSO. OBE, TD. of HQ 87 Army Group Royal Artillery (AGRA) (Field) TA.
Recommendation by A.J. Daniel, Brigadier RA Western Command. Dated 17 July 1954
Remarks. Very strongly recommended by L G Whistham! Lt-Gen GOC-in-C of Western Command Chester dated 8 Sep 54.

Full Citation
Brigadier TOOSEY shortly retires from active with the Territorial Army with an outstanding record of service and devotion to duty. After serving in every commissioned rank continuously since 1927, including may years as a Commanding Officer, he was appointed to command 87 ADRA (Field) Territorial Army in November in 1951. During these last three years, although holding at the same time many very responsible positions in Commerce and Industry, he devoted himself unsparingly, not only to the task of producing a most efficient Formation, but also to the far wider aspects and problems of the Territorial Army as a whole. Although a prisoner in the Far East in the war, he has taken endless troubles to bring himself up-to-date in order effectively to train his AGRA. He is always ready to attend exercises and training and his opinion on all matters connected with the modern problems of the Territorial Army is widely sought by those responsible for its administration, training and well-being. His energy and enthusiasm are unbounded and he never spares himself, and his fine powers of leadership are reflected in the efficiency, high morale and spirit to be found in all ranks throughout his Formation. His services to the Territorial Army since its re-formation after the war have been outstanding and are most deserving of recognition.

Image of Toosey credited to Wikipedia

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