The Zuzana is a Slovak 155 mm NATO compatible version of the DANA(Czech). It has improved fire control system and some other improvements. The first prototype was built in 1995. This artillery system has been adopted by Slovakia in 1998. As of 2015 Slovak Army operates 16 of these systems. This artillery system is also in service with Cyprus (12).
The Zuzana is armed with a turret-mounted 155 mm/L45 gun-howitzer. This gun is compatible with all standard NATO ammunition. Range of fire depends on projectile and charge combination. Maximum range of fire is 40 km with rocket-assisted shells.
The gun is mounted externally between two separated compartments of the turret. In this way the crew is completely isolated from potentially dangerous gun and autoloader mechanisms and is protected from the powder gasses generated during firing. The gun is fitted with an autoloader, so rounds are fed automatically. The autoloader loads shells and charges at any elevation. A total of 40 rounds are carried by this artillery system. This artillery system can automatically launch 6 rounds within the first minute, or 30 rounds within 6 minutes. Manual rate of fire is reduced to 2 rounds per minute. Sustained rate of fire is around 1.5 rounds per minute.
This artillery system has an automatic gun-laying mode, when the firing data is calculated by the onboard computer and the gun is automatically laid on the target. Developers claim that this system is capable of Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact Firing (MRSI). It can launch a couple of projectiles at different trajectories in order for them to hit the target simultaneously.
This artillery system uses a special 8x8 chassis developed by Tatra. It uses many mechanical components of the Tatra T815 Koloss heavy high mobility truck.

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