Politics The 2020 American Presidential Election

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He gone:

Yes, done so much better in Iran!!!

Now that the orange man has left in disgrace and is condemned to the dustbin of history, he should get the same treatment the Romans gave to their deluded leaders: damnatio memoriae (condemnation of memory): the full and total erase of his name and work in the historical record.

Buh-byeee! ,-usa
Alrighty, this one is about done now and since many of you have already moved to the Biden Thread started by @primer, I believe we can continue over there to discuss his inauguration today and his four years tenure and political decisions from now on.

Thanks to all for contributing what was a lively thread which managed to be one of the most active on this forum in less than eight months.

Locking it up. Here’s to #46...
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